Sunday, February 28, 2010


When I first started looking into Amy's' case it was for a college term paper. I had never done a term paper and didn't have a clue as to what to write. I knew that what ever it was I wrote about , had to be something that the instructor had never had a paper on before. The instructor had already mentioned that he wasn't in the mood for papers he had seen a thousand times before ,or the ones that some thought was a good idea of purchasing just to get a grade. He had made himself very clear to me as to what he expected. All I could think of was, what the hell is an over aged college student like myself going to write about? The thought stuck in my mind for several weeks, clear up to the last two weeks of the quarter when the papers were due. The grade from the paper was a quarter of my final grade,I had to make it count! I remember thinking at the time that everyone I had talked with on a daily bases had mentioned or questioned, have they found who killed Amy yet? From that I made the decision to write the paper on her case. It went as follows:

October 27Th,1989 ten year old Amy Renee Mihaljevic was abducted from a Bay Village shopping center, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. Reports claim Amy had gotten a phone call from a man. She was going to meet him at the shopping center to purchase a gift for her mother's promotion at work. Amy reportedly did meet a man, however she was never seen alive again. On February 8Th, 1990 the decomposing body of Amy was found in Ashland County, Ohio. In a field close to the road, a jogger spotted her remains. The investigation has gone on for years. Still no one has been apprehended in her murder.
After thousands of leads it seemed to come down to an impassibility that anyone would ever be charged in the hideous murder of 10 year old Amy. To me it just couldn't stop there. Somewhere out there someone knows what happened late in October 1989 to a brown eyed blondish haired child who mistakenly trusted adults. Many people gave me information on Amy. Some were right some were wrong, but they all were willing to catch a murderer. I decided to track the unknown. Going on speculation and newspaper articles this case took me from Monticello, Iowa to New Jersey, back to Little Rock, Arkansas and then to Pennsylvania and back to Ohio. This is what I found.
Let's assume that this was a crime of the occult class people. The pieces would fit like this. Newspaper articles reported that Amy and this man were getting a gift for Amy's mother for her promotion at work. Key words here are-gift-mother-promotion-work. Unmistakably all these things happened. While watching TV one night, unsolved mysteries had a woman who was a police psychic working on a case in Monticello, Iowa. The case was an old homicide. She did however solve the case after many years. I took down the police chiefs name, the city and state thinking maybe she could tell me something. Still I'm pretty unbelieving in this type of thing. I called Monticello, Iowa anyway and spoke with Police chief Walters. I was expecting to hear the person on the other end of the line to say "that was just a made up story for TV viewing". Chief Walters proved me wrong. He told me he couldn't give me a phone number for Dorothy Allison. He did however tell me to contact her chief which was Robert Delitta in Knutley ,New Jersey. He was very helpful and gave me Delitta's number. I called Delitta and explained to him that I was interested in getting the number of Dorothy Allison so I could ask her about a case here. It was a little girl that I never knew, yet wanted the person or persons brought to justice. Chief Delitta told me he didn't give out her number. It was unlisted. Then all of a sudden he said, "I'll make an exception to the rule this time". I was shocked because there are so many people wanting to talk with her. Chief Delitta gave me two numbers and then said " tell her I told you to call". I done exactly that. She needed specific information, like the time and place of birth, time the 911 call came in, when the body was found, and the county and state she was born in. It had to be written down and sent to her with my return address written in red so she could distinguish it from others in the mail. Then I was put on a waiting list. Dorothy told me she was working on a few other cases and she went by the age of the child. These cases were extra besides her regular job with the Knutley Police Department. I sent what information I had, however I didn't have her time of birth. I did have everything else.
I called LT. Tomkin's in Bay Village to see if he would tell me where Amy was born. He did, and in conversation I asked him if he had ever heard of Dorothy Allison? Again I was shocked when he said " yes, Amy's grandmother had called her in on the case". "It isn't standard practice of my department, but any information would help". I asked him if he would do another composite if I got more information other than what they had? Tomkin's didn't want to do that because the people in that area were still very afraid and he didn't wish to frighten them anymore.
So I thought let's go another direction. What is all this stuff about occult and sacrifice? What am I really dealing with here? Next stop the library. If Dorothy Allison was a for real person, let's check out a few Haunted Ohio books and see what they say. These books seemed to be off the wall to me, however in the back they listed some people ( psychics) and their numbers. In Pennsylvania they had a listing for Karyl Kirkpatrick. I called Karyl that evening. She sounded very nice and she told me many things about the case. Karyl said it was an occult thing. It was done on the biggest celebration of the year, Halloween. That part fit the puzzle. It was that time frame. She said it had something to do with the girls mother. The connection was Amy's mothers' brother. Amy was close to him or a cousin that lived near Amy on her mothers side. Karyl said Amy trusted him. He was thin. fair skinned, brown eyes, 5'10" wide apart eyes, thin nose and a goat like chin, what ever that means. Karyl said the man was like family. This occult group was a very tight group in Ashland County . The building used for their meetings was a two tone gray structure and there is a legitimate business in the front, but it was just a cover. Karyl asked if I knew whether or not Amy's mother burnt candles. Well, she did. Every night till Amy was found a candle was lit in the window. All of a sudden she asked " who is Dana ? " I told her I had no idea. Karyl told me to get an artist to do another composite. "Do you know Steve Hail in Columbus, at B.C.I." I didn't. She told me to call him anyway and ask him to do another composite. I thanked her for her time. Then she told that the man that did this to Amy had a "B" sounding name like "Butch ". The other man in the composite was Puertto Rican and his name is Darrell, and an attorney was involved. When I hung up the first thing that came to mind was she is not real!
The next day I called Steve Hail at B.C.I. in Columbus and explained what I was doing and asked if he had ever heard of Karyl? "Yes", he had. I asked, "is she for real"? Steve said"very much so". " I've worked with her several times". He said "she's not 100% all the time but she's very good at what she does". Steve went on to explain he could only do the composite if LT. Tomkins told him to. Well that's not going to happen.
Again it's time to go another direction, keeping in mind that all this must somehow fit together.
I drove back to where the body was found and spoke with area residents. At first they were a little hesitant about saying much. After a few minutes they opened up. I was told that Amy's mother was in the area two summers before Amy went missing. She was with a man named Bud and his wife. According to this statement, this guy, Bud and Amy's mother were old friends from Hinkley, Ohio. They were at this house because Bud knew the couple that was buying it from someone else, sort of like they were checking it out for them. The woman that sold the house befriended the woman that moved in. The new owners wife became very sick and on her death bed told over and over the day she died " their going to find that Buds boys killed little Amy. She said she knew for a fact. Three hours later she died. The person she told this to was the former owner of the house. There's another possible piece of the puzzle if your into "B" sounding names.
Back at the library I find one most interesting book. This one tells of Halloween, sacrifice, and blood. It tells the body has to be found. It was. And that it must be burnt. After I picked up a copy of the death certificate I again was shocked. Amy's remains were cremated. About 6 to 9 months after Amy was found, her mother got a new job with the State Attorney Generals Office. Now that's some promotion! The deathbed statement was never told to any police official the woman told me, "I decided they never asked and they probably won't believe me anyway".
I keep remembering back and in comparison to the reaction of Susan Smith to Amy's mother they somehow seemed the same at times. All the key words, clear back to the first newspaper articles, are in this child's history.

I turned in my paper and received a grade of good +25 and passed the class. That instructor was a retired cop, I'll always remember him telling the class that day of when he met his partner when he first went on the force, does the name Serpico sound familiar?
Do I believe everything that these psychics said, No.
Do I think Margaret was into occult, No
Do I believe Amy was a sacrifice, No
Do I believe the killer is from the Ruggles area, Most definitely!
Do I believe the deathbed statement, could be.

Anyone wanting to talk about their psychic experiences in regards to Amy's case post here. Refer back to James site for his experience's. Lets compare notes.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Calling All Scenario's

This is as good a time as any to share all the different scenario's about this case that have captured our attention. Please feel free to share and comment on any or all of them. Moving on...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010


What doesn't Ruth want to tell?
If FBI told Ruth not to talk, what would be the reason for that?
If Ruth was Amy's friend 20 years ago, why won't she help her now?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting Down To Brass Tacks !

I thought this would be a good time to start to unravel this case so all the pieces fit. Many times there has been parts of different stories that sounded good enough to have been true then debunked.That didn't stop all the caring people from the Bay Village and Ashland areas along with Amy's friends and family from continuing on.I am absolutely certain this case can and will be solved sooner than you think ,if more people would comment on what they know.This question goes out to Ruth.What did you mean when you said "putting the case in jeopardy"? If someone out there knows Ruth could you ask her for us? Those of us who have other question or comments by all means post away!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Moving On.......

Due to Crime Rant closing the thread on there site I thought it best to keep going on a fresh page.

As you may have seen there were some posts removed, no one knows why or who done away with them. We can only speculate just as we do with Amy's case.