Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today I've had several calls come my way to inform me that listed in an obit. of the Matlock family it tells that Al Matlock is in Georgia! Check it out yourself in the Elyria paper today.So now that would mean the FBI would have a start in the search for Al Matlock!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Today I spoke with Detective Spaetzel regarding any updates on Amy's case. I am pleased to tell you that Amy is still in the forefront when it comes to finding her killer. Even as we spoke I sensed a bit of excitement in his voice. Could it be that things are moving right along in this case? My guess is yes. Detective Spaetzel did tell me he got not one but two more leads today! How exciting it is to hear that people are still pushing the envelope when it comes to justice! I did ask about the DNA and was told that they have every new kind of procedure dealing with DNA that is out and they are using it! There were so many things that he couldn't say that it made me feel good that he couldn't, because the chances are they are on to something. Which I truly believe they are as I stated before.The Bay Village Police Department is still asking anyone if you even suspect that someone you know of and never bothered to say because they didn't look like the composite might be in someway involved with this crime to call the FBI or the BVPD @ 440-871-1234 You just might have that one little piece of information they are looking for that pulls this all together.

MOVING ON.................