Wednesday, September 29, 2010

21 Years of Why's

I'm sure, most of you know that it's coming up another anniversary of the kidnap and murder of 10 year old Amy Mihaljevic. I have a few questions regarding this horrendous ordeal that Amy went through.Her spirit could very well be watching from the heavens to which she now resides also questioning these things. Because no one knows for sure what transpired that fateful day it has left scars on hundreds of peoples lives. It would appear that everyone is chasing the rainbows end, as it has yet to be found too. The thoughts that many people have of " I wish I'd been watching closer the days leading up to her disappearance " or " If only I'd been there to help her". Do these thoughts ever cross your mind? Are you one of the hundreds that are haunted by her memory even though you never met? Do you have questions too? Here is a list of 50 of mine, should you have any answers that we can kick around feel free to post away. Do I still think they will arrest someone very soon? OH YES!!!!!!

Moving on..........

1.Why was Amy the target , other than being left alone a good deal of the time that summer?

2.Why didn't this case start from the school instead of the shopping center?

3.Why do authorities from the Bay area think the person responsible is from the lake road area?

4.Why do authorities from the Ashland area think the person is from there?

5.Why are they looking for Al Matlock?

6.Why do the houses in question all have a sales date of 1/1/90?

7.Why don't we know anything about "Ruth"?

8.Why didn't the LENSC display the plaque from the start?

9.Why is it that Ashland authorities claim to know who it is, yet nothing has been done about it?

10.Why haven't they questioned the first persons on the scene?

11.Why keep holding back information on this case after this many years?

12.Why did the FBI look back one year for a boyfriend for Margaret?

13.Why is it said that drugs were involved?

14.Why would a 10 year old be in the middle of drug dealings if it were true?

15.Why so many suspects?

16.Why was there a combined reason to black out the autopsy when they were getting ready to tell it on T.V., what stopped them?

17.Why was Amy's body put in that field?

18.Why was she moved from the place she was murdered?

19.Why haven't they come to a conclusion as to how long her body was in that field?

20.Why has it taken so many FBI, Police, Sheriffs to solve this case with still no answers?

21.Why did the FBI helicopter fly directly to the house on Co. Rd. 500 when they were there?

22.Why did the FBI cut and take pieces of the walls and dust for fingerprints in the house on 500?

23.Why did the FBI say it was a cult house on 500?

24.Why and by who's authority was the house burnt to the ground after they removed the stuff from the 500 house?

25. Why would it be said that her heart was used as a stamp to make the bloody marks on the walls?

26.Why are the firemen so sure it was deer blood on the walls and not human?

27.Why would anyone clean deer upstairs in a house?

28.Why would a deer hunter put marks on the walls from a deer using it's blood?

29.Why do all the authorities seem to think the killing took place on 500?

30.Why don't we know who owned that house on 500 in 1989?

31.Why is it that the 500 house was known as the party house?

32.Why would an officer of the law tell his daughter not to say anything about what she saw concerning the 500 house?

33.Why would police give back a jacket that was found that should have been considered evidence in this case?

34.Why would the FBI think the same men that killed the French girl are also the same men that killed Amy?

35.Why did someone show up at Margaret's mothers house and take possession of Margaret's address books?

36.Why were Mark and Margaret considering divorce prior to the abduction?

37.Why did Ruth think it would jeopardize the case to come forward earlier?

38.Why didn't Jason say anything until the next day about Amy talking on the phone to a unknown man?

39.Why did Amy's dad stay in the background?

40.Why is the poster composite so common looking?

41.Why do the FBI profilers think the killer had a sudden fascination with a cult or radical religious group?

42.Why did the FBI profilers think the man didn't get along with women?

43.Why didn't anyone see her get into a car, if she was taken in a car?

44.Why hasn't the murder site been released?

45.Why were strange corrections done on the death certificate?

46.Why wasn't there an inquest?

47.Why didn't the FBI want the billboards to be put in any other county except Cuyahoga for the 20 yr. anniversary?

48.Why doesn't anyone want to talk about this case in Ashland county?

49.Why did the undercover agents have guns under their coats at the Bay Village library for the first reading of James Renner's book?

50.Why did they have under cover agents at the book reading at the Ashland library?