Tuesday, January 11, 2011


February 8Th 2011 marks another year of finding Amy's body, where does it end? How many more years does Amy's family and the public have to endure before something is said or done by the authorities, that we the people count on everyday? Yes that's right, these folks should have at the very least updated the information that was published on the ten year anniversary. Why hasn't that been done? Who's holding back and WHY? Get it over with already. Something is terribly wrong with this case, what is it? Why hasn't Amy's family stood up and shouted from the highest mountain that they want answers? I would have! I wouldn't stop either until I had answers! Why are they letting this case just fester like it has? It's time that someone tells this family the squeaky wheel gets the oil! Here's what bothers me the most. Everyday on TV you see where a child has gone missing , most found dead, yet they were found and a person held responsible for the act! So why not Amy! I've heard enough theories on the case to write a set of encyclopedias , that's just nuts!! Who do I have to piss off to get my point across? Damned if you do and damned if you don't!!!

MOVING ON.........

Monday, January 3, 2011