Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's that time of year … again!

Another season is upon us. Usually this is the time when most people start getting all excited about the holidays. Getting together with friends and family, shopping for the perfect gift, thinking about all the fattening foods they really shouldn't eat , but will sample just a small piece of everything placed in front of them. What could it hurt? Wanting to exchange stories of their summer pleasures with anyone who will listen. Warm afternoon walks through the parks looking at all the fall colors as the leaves on the trees change and ready themselves for winter. To some it is a time of dis pare. No job, no money, no home to call their own and the last thing they want, is to be stuck at a get together around others who are more fortunate then them. Some dwell on lost loves that have gone on before them , yet still manage to put one foot in front of the other and go on themselves. I, like so many others remember Amy at this time. It's now been almost 23 yrs. since she went on before us. It's odd to say the least how someone you never met can affect you for so many yrs. the way this child's departure has. It just rattles you to the core to think of how Amy must have felt in her final hours here on earth. I'm sure she thought of her family, friends, animals. All the different emotions of what Amy could have felt sometimes run through my mind till I cry. I wonder did she beg for her life, did she cry please take me home please. Did she make the promise not to tell anybody if they just let her go? My stomach churns when this time of year comes around cause all I think about is Amy. That child didn't have a chance. Her world at that time should have been filled with love and laughter. We all know that didn't happen, so why then has it taken so long to find the person that took the life from her?
Crime Stoppers recently finished and aired the reenactment of the abduction of Amy. James Renner has it posted on his blog should you like to refresh your memory. Who knows maybe you will be the person that remembers that tidbit that pulls this crime together. While there check out his new venture, every little bit helps!
Moving on……………………..
