Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting Down To Brass Tacks !

I thought this would be a good time to start to unravel this case so all the pieces fit. Many times there has been parts of different stories that sounded good enough to have been true then debunked.That didn't stop all the caring people from the Bay Village and Ashland areas along with Amy's friends and family from continuing on.I am absolutely certain this case can and will be solved sooner than you think ,if more people would comment on what they know.This question goes out to Ruth.What did you mean when you said "putting the case in jeopardy"? If someone out there knows Ruth could you ask her for us? Those of us who have other question or comments by all means post away!


Liz Russ said...

Need to get something off your chest about this case but don't want others to know you said it? e-mail me at,

or James Renner at,

we will pass the info. on to FBI or BVPD.

Anonymous said...

Today marks another year anniversary of finding Amys body.

Amy was missing 104 days before the search for her killer began in Ashland County.

Today the search continues.

Anonymous said...

Did Margaret meet Ruth thru the beauty and tanning salon?

Is Ruth a relative of Sabo's?