Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Gore !

A doorway in the kitchen- notice the fingerprint dust down the frame, bet they got a lot of fingerprints off that!
Kitchen floor- see where the FBI cut out the flooring? Blood spots.
Do you think they might have gotten a footprint there?
Whoever, covered the windows with Black plastic bags- they didn't want to be seen doing what they were doing.- What do you think that might have been?
Last two shots are looking down the stairwell- notice how the blood spots are all on one side of the steps? Do you think maybe they were carrying something that had blood dripping off that side.
I know it could have been a deer, and I could have been a turtle!
Moving On.....


Curious said...

Well now, it looks like they obtained a large amount of evidence! If Amy's blood was there, why wouldn't the LEO's come out and say it? It's been 20 years and no movement on this case.

I find it odd that whomever felt the need to cover the windows, no one could see that far back, or maybe someone was watching them, and knew who they were.

Liz Russ said...



Liz Russ said...


Got any idea what that is in the window (red and white wallpaper) at the top? It looks like a string or rope from a hook and runs down the wall across the floor on the right side.

esora said...

There is a lot of tape around the window. Maybe it was broken. Normally clear plastic is used to cover things like this, but perhaps a trash bag was all they had.

Anonymous said...

Looks like both clear and black plastic was used for the window.

Liz Russ said...


You could be right.I did notice though that in all the other pictures of the house, bags were also covering the other windows.

Liz Russ said...


Yes it does look like they have clear plastic on them too.

I'm just curious as to what it is in the top of the window that looks almost white.What ever it is looks like they wrapped the plastic all the way around it.

Anonymous said...

It looks kind of puffy. Insulation or a padding of sort? Maybe the window was gone in that section.

The house was definitely falling apart. I suppose whoever frequented it while it was abandoned wanted to make it as comfortable as possible for them.

esora said...

That top puffy part could be an old window AC unit, or the remnants of one.

Liz Russ said...

Anonymous, Esora:

After looking closer at the window it does look like it's just a bag.

When you first take one out of a box and don't open it up they are usually folded inward at both sides on the bottom leaving a single layer in the middle.It looks to me like they just didn't open it up and placed it there that way,leaving the light come thru the center. We can't compare it to the rest of the window because the plastic is almost off. I'm thinking too that the clear plastic was placed on the windows to help keep the cold out.This type of thing is still done today.

It is still interesting as Curious brought up, that the house was way back in that field surrounded by woods on all sides. What was going on in that house that they needed to cover the windows to keep from being seen?

Anonymous said...

I think they just used whatever they had to keep the weather out, like a trashbag. You have to go out of your way to get the clear plastic stuff for covering which I think is more pricey. It looks like they did use it in some places. The owners didn't bother boarding up the windows either.

Liz Russ said...


I was told that the house had been rented out yrs. before anything had happened to Amy, so it could be that the renters put the clear plastic over the windows.

I don't think renters would want to cover there view, in my opinion.

I was also told that the owners lived out of town some distance and just left the house set. So your right they didn't board it up. Anyone could have used that house for any reason. It looks like they did too!

Liz Russ said...

To All:

Did anyone happen to see the letters on the wall in the stairwell?

I can't make it out, but it does look like letters that have smear marks across them.

One letter is either an E or C with letters in front of it and behind it that I can't make out.

It's in the first picture of steps and about the third step down from the top on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's my computer but I do not see any letters or traces of them in the area you described.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 5:55PM:

It's the area near the black spots. Zoom in or play with your brightness/contrast settings.

I'm looking at it again, and now it looks like to me that it may have three letters, C E C. Although if you flip the E on its side it's an M. It looks like the first C has a line through it going vertically, meaning that if you flip it sideways it's an A--giving us A M, the initials of both Amy Mihaljevic and Al Matlock.

Of course, I may be trying to settle for an obvious answer, because that doesn't explain the subsequent C, or why there seems to be a Q inside the second C.

Anonymous said...

Also, if you look near the light blue and white splotch on one of the steps, there is a very clear Y on the side of the next step, nearby. There is also a less prominent M to the left of it (which also has a circle around it, maybe a reflection of the blue and white splotch?) It looks like to the left of that, there is an H (why did they not put the top line to make an A? It does look like there are some extraneous lines on the ends of the H?)

Judi said...

I went to James's site in the year 2007. I read that an anonymous tipster passed along to James some pictures of that house on your blog. The tipster told him that Amy had been killed there. It seemed that James didn't believe that because he'd been told the blood in that house was animal blood. Do you know if James ever found out who the tipster was? Why would the authorities mislead James in that way?

Liz Russ said...


I can't speek for James. It could have been a person wishing to remain anonymous as mine did. They did say it was the house Amy was killed in. Considering that her body had little to no blood in it, or at the site she was found, and the fact that the house was very close to the site, it was a statement where common sense rules in my opinion. The blood had to go someplace. Not only that but there had to be a reason for the FBI to land a helicopter in the yard of that house, go in , cut out walls and flooring, do fingerprinting and haul alot of stuff to Quantico when they left that came from that house.

There was probably some animal blood in the house tracked in on the bottom of shoes, by a hunter that did stay there at one time. I was told that he cleaned his catch outside and hung it from the trees.

As far as telling James that it was all animal blood was definitely wrong. It's my understanding there was a person that did do blood letting in the house also. So it looks to me like there would have been a combination of blood types in the house both human and animal.

Why authorities would tell James that is beyond me. My guess would be they didn't want to freighten peolple.I was told that several people from that area went inside the house and looked around then commented that it was really really bad , that they had never seen so much blood.

Liz Russ said...

To All:

The other night I caught a program on TV that was about the Hettrick murder in Colorado. The thing that was amazing to me was that they got touch DNA from the wastband of the victims panties from where the killer had pulled them down. They got this 1 month short of being 20 years of the murder. So all is not lost in Amy's case when you consider they redressed her too!There should be alot of good DNA yet.

Laura said...

I saw the 48 hours on the Hettrick murder too and thought of Amy.
I really wish there was a way to get BVPD to confirm or deny if they have a usable DNA sample from Amy's body or the crime scene. I've written several email to Mark Spaetzle and asked him that very question and he always avoids answering and just rambles on about the same old shit.
I don't see how revealing that information now, after all these years, would hurt their investigation. It would give me a small amount of peace to know that they, at least, have the killer's DNA.

Liz Russ said...


Here's the thing, Spaetzel couldn't tell anyone if he did have that infor. Reason being that if he finds he has a DNA match and the word gets around the person or persons could up and leave, just vanish before authorities get to them and we would be right back where we started. I think it's a good thing we are not informed that gives us a 100% chance of getting the real killer.

I think it's great that they have touch DNA. That case should be brought to his attention if it hasn't already. What's to says he hasn't already used it and is just weeding out the ones that don't match. Remember that case was in 2007, just about the time he sent Amy's DNA off. Keep thinking positive and we will have the killer soon! I'm sure of it!

Thanks for your comment!

esora said...

That document James just got about Tina Harmon, does kind of prove the BVPD do have a viable DNA sample. According to James, there is a paragraph that says

"Lt. Spaetzel plans to make contact with [FBI agent] and request the cigarette butts be sent to FBI Forensic Lab for further DNA testing. He indicates they have DNA evidence in that case..."

So I really do think this means the BVPD do have a viable sample they can test against, but just have not found a match.

esora said...

Plus, assuming what James has been telling us is true, the BVPD has been collecting DNA samples from possible suspects. I don't think they would do this to just try and scare someone. I do believe they do have something.

Judi said...

Do you think Al Matlock ever submitted a DNA sample? I thought he has been out of the area for a long time. I wonder if DNA from >1 person was collected at the scene or on her body.

It sounded to me like the authorities might have a partial match, but they are waiting until technological advances increase the accuracy, leaving no doubt.

Liz Russ said...


I believe what James said is true.James didn't have to tell us anything,but I'm glad he did.

I don't think the BVPD are trying to scare anyone, I think there telling the killer WE WILL GET YOU!Up front, no if's, and's, or but's about it. It's only a matter of time. They're letting him/them know they have all their ducks in a row and he's going down big time!

Liz Russ said...


No I don't think Matlock gave any DNA sample,it was new back at that time. Your right he was out of the area.

It's hard to say what was collected from where, that was all kepted under wraps for obvious reasons. However it's good to know that they do have something and they didn't leave us completly in the dark.

I'm sure they have what they need to convict the person/s. They had plenty of time to collect it, which could mean technology has caught up to this case.

esora said...

If they have not gotten Al's DNA they could get a sample from his who is it brother or cousin that is in jail for killing his gf? Assuming neither of them are adopted and are true blood relatives, it would show a relationship.

Liz Russ said...


Yes they could, however I believe they are thinking it would be even better to have Matlock in person. That way they can question him.

Anna Maria said...

Does anyone know if it has been checked where the material from which the hand-made curtain was made was produced? You should look for the factory and where this material was sold. Step by step you will find the right person. Is it true that Bay Village is home to people in the witness protection program? Why, after so many years, are the police asking people who knew Amy's mother to contact the police? The DNA material should go to Othram Laboratory, they have the only best methods there.