Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Today I spoke with Detective Spaetzel regarding any updates on Amy's case. I am pleased to tell you that Amy is still in the forefront when it comes to finding her killer. Even as we spoke I sensed a bit of excitement in his voice. Could it be that things are moving right along in this case? My guess is yes. Detective Spaetzel did tell me he got not one but two more leads today! How exciting it is to hear that people are still pushing the envelope when it comes to justice! I did ask about the DNA and was told that they have every new kind of procedure dealing with DNA that is out and they are using it! There were so many things that he couldn't say that it made me feel good that he couldn't, because the chances are they are on to something. Which I truly believe they are as I stated before.The Bay Village Police Department is still asking anyone if you even suspect that someone you know of and never bothered to say because they didn't look like the composite might be in someway involved with this crime to call the FBI or the BVPD @ 440-871-1234 You just might have that one little piece of information they are looking for that pulls this all together.

MOVING ON.................


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, great to hear that there is a possibility of some real progress being made!

Anonymous said...

Nice job Liz. You're doing one heck of a better job than James is. And what's with the ads on his blog? There's an ad for a dating service showing two very young girls with the caption "do you want a girlfriend?" This seriously made me nauseus to see on a site about Amy.

Judi said...

Thanks for the update, Liz! Did he comment at all about the names you previously turned in?

Liz Russ said...


If you look back thru the years you will see that at times this case looked like it was standing still.That's not the case. The BVPD and the FBI have always been right in there checking things out, we the public just weren't aware of it. Like I've said before they can't tell us much which is a good thing no matter how badly we wish to hear it all. It's going to take every little shred of evidence that's turned in and matches that nails the lid on these killers coffins. God knows everyone who knew Amy, her family or is just interested in this case is standing in the wings just waiting to use their hammer!

Liz Russ said...


I wouldn't be to hard on James, he's done a good job of bringing the peds to everyones attention and as Marths Sturart would say "that's a Good thing".Even though I don't agree with some of his tactics or his conclusions he done alot of leg work on this case.James didn't do it alone and neither have I. It takes people like yourself that keep hoping for the day that this will all end that keeps this case going.I thank you.

As for the ads on James site,it's my understanding that the companies that post to a site pay the blog owner, so it's just another way to make money. I don't believe the blog owner has a say as to what's put on there.
I agree that it's not the kind of ad to be on anything dealing with Amy or any other child.

Liz Russ said...


No he made no comments other than he really wished he could tell me.To which I said ,I really wished you could too! Det. Spaetzel knows I'm beside myself with wonderment as I've been doing this for almost as many years as he has.That's O.K. it will all be over soon and we will all know!

Thanks for your comment!

Liz Russ said...

Just thought I'd add Det. Spaetzels address,

you can add in subject line attention Det. Mark Spaetzel/Amy.

Liz Russ said...


Several weeks back I did hear that one of the people I turned in is now a person of interest.

I don't know if they put them on their short list or not, or if they still think they are a person of interest.

The information came to me via the grapevine so I don't know how true it is.

Liz Russ said...

Hey Folks I got a question,

Does anyone remember any talk about the men in the house on County Road 1181@126, that would be the log house. I had read it before on Crime Rant but now that site is unavailable so I can't check back.

It was something about not leaving a child there.

It's the same house where the uncle of Al Matlock and his cousin Doyle (the one that murdered his ex girlfriend) lived.


When I had spoke to Gayle St. John the psychic that worked on the Casey Anthony case in Florida she had said the person that took Amy now lived 3 hrs. west of where she was found. Would that be Columbia City Indiana?

Anonymous said...

Depends on how fast you drive, right?

Google maps lists the fastest route from Ruggles, OH to Columbia City, IN as 186 miles, and 3h 18m (in low traffic routes such as this, you can easily shave 18 or more minutes off that time.)

I'm guessing you may already know of a suspect in that particular city, and it's ok if you can't tell us; if not, anywhere in the Fort Wayne area could be considered "3 hours west."

Try using Google Cache to see if you can get back onto the crimerant discussion.

Anonymous said...

Oops, it does not have a cache option in google, but the original website does work properly.

Anonymous said...

I was able to copy all 372 pages into a word file. Let me know the address to send it to.

Liz Russ said...


or do you have a hard copy? let me know.

Anonymous said...

I was able to access it off of James' website under his May 2008 entry.

Liz Russ said...

