Friday, August 27, 2010

Riddle Me This

I was thinking this morning about Amy's death certificate and how it stated that her heart stopped from the shock of the lack of blood, which was caused by the stab wounds to the neck. I also thought of how way back way back I had heard that it was a cult thing because it happened in October, and that the pictures of the house on County Rd.500 were crime scene photos and they used her heart to make the marks on the walls. In recent comments on Jame's site he again brought up the fact that Mr. Case had seen who he believed to be Amy and an unidentified white male December 7Th of 1989. I also thought about when I had heard that Amy didn't die in October it was more between December 25Th and New Years of that same year. I recall being told too that who ever it was removed body parts from this poor child. My questions are:

1. If that were the case that Amy was still alive in December wouldn't that also be saying that It wasn't an occult thing to start with?

2. If , who ever done this did in fact remove her heart and use it to mark the walls in the house on County Rd. 500, then how could the coroner possibly say that the heart stopped when in fact there was no heart there when the body was found? What did they use to determine their findings?

3. I had heard that Ashland had done the preliminaries on the body before it was taken to Cuyahoga County. Does that mean that even there they just went by what Ashland said to start with because the body was in such odd condition as it was missing some parts.?

Moving On........



Liz Russ said...

I posted a copy of the death certificate here back in Feb. Check it out.Did they just guess at a cause of death?

Judi said...

If Amy was alive in December, where did they keep her? Someone has to know something about that in New London. I would think a person might tip off the police, even through an anonymous letter.
It seems like there are so many stories out there that it is hard to separate fact from fiction. You brought up great points!

Liz Russ said...


They kept her tied up in the house on county road 500. Or moved her back and forth from there to another place that was also burnt down! That would have been the home of Al Matlock. In my quest for the truth I learned that he lived with his grandparents in a trailer, you know the kind that had gold colored carpet way back when.It was his grandfather that just passed away.

Liz Russ said...

Here's something else to think about. Years ago when I spoke to the police psychic she all of a sudden said to me "who's Dana"? Al's grandmothers name was Dona an odd spelling of that name because they left out one "n". Wonder if there's something to it? Again many years later I talked with another psychic who I also verified as a real psychic and was told that a woman was involved. Her involvement was only that she was the first person to see her body after death. When I questioned why didn't she tell someone, the psychic said "because she was afraid she too would get her throat cut. So, was it stab wounds or had they cut her neck a few times? Just makes me think differently about this case.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this has already been discussed, but what do you think was the motive, especially if you believe they may have kept her alive for some time?

Liz Russ said...


The FBI stated it was a sex crime, I would tend to agree.

Judi said...

Liz, Could you explain what you meant when you said your talk with the psychic made you think differently about the case?

Do you think the woman who saw her body after death was the same woman who told someone on her deathbed that Bud's boys killed Amy?

Liz Russ said...


Yes, it was like a fork in the road.It made the case look like 2 different cases. Of course I went down both roads and picked them apart and I didn't do it alone.

No, the woman that made the deathbed statement was Joann Stillion, and the person she told was Pat stokes.

I have a question for everyone, can anybody tell me about the classmate of Amy's, that was said to be her boyfriend. I believe they said his name was Kurt.I was just woundering if it was a true statement or not.Just sifting out the rumors from the truth.

Anonymous said...

Her brother Jason did say that he thought his name was Kurt, but didn't remember for sure (source: early on in James' book.)

Liz Russ said...

Here's something else to think about.

I called the Bowling Green University to talk to a person in death certificate archives. I've had a question on my mind for some time now. The question was:

If a person dies and no one knows where the location was and the certificate states the place of death as being unknown and then it's changed again after a period of time to read the county in which the body was found, without knowing for sure , how is that done?

I was told that the officals have a coroners inquest and they talk to the first people on the scene.

Guess what didn't happen in Amy's case! Not only that but as far as I know it still hasn't happened. So, I say where did they get their information as to Amy's place of death? Did they just GUESS that too? What made them so sure? Did they know something that has never been told? Or is it that they just thought they did?

Liz Russ said...

Here's another point about the case that leaves me shaking my head. This comes from part of an I-Team report on the 20 year anniversary.

An autopsy, obtained by the I-Team just two years ago, showed Amy had two "gaping" wounds to her neck from being stabbed, but "no injury" to her private area.

How is it that the FBI says it was a sex crime yet the autopsy report says no injury to her private area? What constitutes a sex crime in a case of a 10 year old female? Remember this was a full grown male. I also bring to your attention the part about two gaping wounds. Did that mean stab or sliced?

Just who's autopsy report were they looking at? I have direct knowledge from one of the officals at the scene that morning that told me " there was plenty of blood on her clothes and you could see from her collar that her neck had been sliced".

Liz Russ said...

Taken from James site

Amy was not murdered in that field.
-Amy's body was most likely placed in that field on County Road 1181 a short time after she was abducted. A day? A week? We don't know. But there were seedlings growing out of her clothes, which implies the body was probably there most of the time we were looking for her. However, the jogger who discovered her body is adamant that it was not there the day before. Science says otherwise. But then why didn't the jogger or anyone else come across it? I don't know.
-The red spot on her underwear that was mentioned on the Fox 8 report was blood. Most likely Amy's.
-Contrary to statements by the retired FBI spokesman, Amy did not have spaghetti for lunch that day. The menu at school offered corn dogs and pizza. This slip-up was unintentional, I'm sure.
-The material in her stomach has never been completely identified. Looks like meat protein of some kind (not necessarily vegetarian) and cheese.
-Material that may contain the killer's DNA was collected at the scene.
-The report by Fox 8 that said no sperm was found referenced a 1989 report that used 1989 technology. Material was collected that may contain the killer's sperm. Using better technology, sperm may have been isolated already or will be in the future.
-Amy's fingernails were broken. Further analysis was handled by the FBI and is not available. It appears she may have injured her nails while fighting back against her attacker.
-Over the years, various law enforcement agencies have sent forensic material to the coroner so that it could be compared against the evidence gathered in this case, to exclude certain suspects.
-There were no satanic, religious, or cult markings found on her body.
-A covering of some sort was found near the body. It may have covered Amy's body (hiding it from the jogger, perhaps) and blown off before the body was found. I'm not going to go into detail about it, so please don't ask. It may be an important clue or it might not. But it is unique.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the "covering" found near her body reported by you to be Al Matlock's jacket?

Liz Russ said...


No, I've never said what the "covering" was. In fact we don't know that anything covered Amy's body. Al's jacket was found in a ditch very close in the area but not directly on or around Amy. There was also a blanket found. Rumor has it that the jacket was given back to Al.

Liz Russ said...

Here's a few more questions I'd really like some answers to. Feel free to comment, or email me at letshearit2010@hotmail.

Can you think of any reason that this case shouldn't be solved?
Can you think of any reason a cop would be protected?
Can you think of any reason it's been said over and over " they know who done it"?
Can you think of any reason the FBI can't make a connection after 20 years if they know?

Anonymous said...

I was going with what was last said in the autopsy report from James' site and connecting it to Al's jacket. James termed a "covering" found near her body but wouldn't say what it was in case it was important. I suspect Al's jacket would be something of interest if that is what he was referring to but being explicit in telling us.

Anonymous said...

I meant: but NOT being explicit in telling us what was the covering mentioned in the report.

Anonymous said...

I meant: but NOT being explicit in telling us what was the covering mentioned in the report.

Liz Russ said...


James also said that it was a unique item. I'd rule out a jacket if in fact something did cover the body.

Anonymous said...

I read the passage as a covering found NEAR the body, not on it.

Just goes to show how different we all interpret evidence and how things are written.

Judi said...

I heard that the covering was some sort of tarp that had a picture or logo relative to a band. I can't remember where I heard that or from whom. If that is true, wouldn't it be likely that someone could connect a suspect to it if it were made public? Do you know what that covering was, Liz? If you do, please tell me if what I heard was just a rumor. The covering was found near the body, not on it, but if it had covered the body, that might explain why no noe noticed her body being there before.

Judi said...

Sorry for the typo in the previous posting. I meant "no one".

Anonymous said...

1. Doesn't sound plausible.
2. If the coroner said her heart stopped, her heart was in her body at the time of the autopsy, at least one would think so. Ask Renner what the autopsy said about the condition of the organs, they are all diagnosed and weighed at the time of the autopsy.
3. I do believe Ashland county did the autopsy, and Cuyahoga county added to the report.

Liz Russ said...


My source, that was first on the scene said there was NOTHING covering the body.


You probably read the guesses people made on crime rant.I know of no covering , only that a blanket had been found along with a jacket, but not together.


I know what they are supposed to do at an autopsy, but like I said my sources tell a different story. My sources were officals, I figure they know what they are talking about. Whether the coroner wanted to release that information was his choice. Remember they came back with the findings and BLACKED IT OUT, it was a combined effort of all LE and FBI. Newspaper headlines stated " Blackout spurs Cult fears". So what does that say to you?

Anonymous said...

The coroners office has the discretion to release limited information on an autopsy if it's involved in an ACTIVE criminal investigation. That's why parts were blacked out. Until we can see exactly what was blacked out, it's just speculation, regardless of who says what. Remember the old telephone game, it starts out as something simple, and by the time it reaches it's end, it morphs into something completely different.

Are you saying your sources told you that her heart was missing, vital organs...?

Liz Russ said...


That's exactly what I'm saying. It wasn't grapevine conversation, this was people in the know. Discretion had nothing to do with it.In almost 21 years that story never changed. I, as recently as two weeks ago heard it again from another offical. I might add that the coroner's investigative secretary even had balls enough to asked me a short time later if I, "knew someone that could do that to a child". I do not associate with gutter trash like that, didn't then and don't now.

I am not going to rule out however the possibility that what was done to the body could have been done to cover-up the persons involved and make it look like it was something intirely different. After all isn't that exactly what we are looking at now?

Anonymous said...

My fiance grew up in the greenwich and new london area and was 8 yrs old when this happened but he says he hung out with older people when he was 12 a group of teens who supplied him with drugs for the first time but he says this guy vince used to work with the mom and my guy met him when he gave him his first smoke but i guess this guy vince was really depressed and would talk about having done something unforgivable shortly after he killed himself but my fiance swears he remembers seeing a notebook that said best in class on it and a turquoise earring he also knows of other people, the other guys this vince guy showed this stuff to, anyway he says he never really connected anything before but now since he is jobless for the first time since 15 and lives in the wilderness he says these things are coming back to him and he can't sleep he called a detective who is working this case but got blown off what do you guys suggest everyone we know says we should drop it or make fun of him saying hell be charged like its funny but it worries me what if he know......

Liz Russ said...

Anonymous :

Don't think for a minute that your boyfriends input wasn't taken seriously. As a rule people never hear back from authorities after turning in information . If you think the information really didn't get to where it should have feel free to send it to me at I'll see to it that it does! Thanks for sharing !

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this statement. We know who you are talking about W.V.C.

The Amy Army