Tuesday, January 11, 2011


February 8Th 2011 marks another year of finding Amy's body, where does it end? How many more years does Amy's family and the public have to endure before something is said or done by the authorities, that we the people count on everyday? Yes that's right, these folks should have at the very least updated the information that was published on the ten year anniversary. Why hasn't that been done? Who's holding back and WHY? Get it over with already. Something is terribly wrong with this case, what is it? Why hasn't Amy's family stood up and shouted from the highest mountain that they want answers? I would have! I wouldn't stop either until I had answers! Why are they letting this case just fester like it has? It's time that someone tells this family the squeaky wheel gets the oil! Here's what bothers me the most. Everyday on TV you see where a child has gone missing , most found dead, yet they were found and a person held responsible for the act! So why not Amy! I've heard enough theories on the case to write a set of encyclopedias , that's just nuts!! Who do I have to piss off to get my point across? Damned if you do and damned if you don't!!!

MOVING ON.........


Anonymous said...

Never give up hope....


Liz Russ said...


Thanks so much for the post! That story is amazing!I'm so glad people are out there that care enough to come forward. Maybe we will hear the same type of thing in Amy's case. Again thanks so much!

A Friend said...

I'll tell you why the family has seemingly done nothing. It's because Margaret was Amy's voice, Amy's advocate, her soldier for justice.
Her father and brother each found different ways to deal with her death and they aren't strong like Margaret.
I'm so grateful for James Renner. Without him, Amy's case would not have stayed in the news at all.

Liz Russ said...

A Friend:

I know what your saying is true, however I would have thought that any one of Amy's other family members,and there are many, would step up to the plate and take over. They still can! Everyone who visits this site or James's site or any other site that features Amy would without a doubt stand behind them 100%. That could make all the difference in the world! Amy needs them now and has for over 21 years. Just setting on the side lines is not getting the job done.
Your right James has kept it in the news, but let's not forget the countless others who have stayed on the case one way or another that most people are not aware of. I hear from these people all the time, they tell how disappointed they are getting because no one from Amy's family seem to care anymore. Even with them a few words from the family would help.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a little wrong and a bit disrespectful saying that Amy's dad and brother "aren't strong." I think with what they've gone through that they are extremely strong.

And yes James has kept Amy in the news which is good. But you have to wonder about intentions when he's made a living off of her.

Liz Russ said...


I don't think it's wrong at all. They are only telling the truth. Fact is that they are not as strong as Margaret was. They have been through years of waiting on the side lines for someone else (police ) to figure this case out( and there's nothing wrong with that ). That in no way takes away from the fact that they loved her very much and miss her still today.Others in her family could do just as much for her as Margaret tried to do right now. Aunts,uncles, cousins, just any one of Amy's family members could help this along!
Nobody here is being disrespectful. As far as James making a living from the books he wrote, that's impossible,think about it. He used his car,gas, time,money,vehicle,paper, ink,computer, camera probably wore out at least one pair of shoes and countless other things just trying to figure this case out, compared to the small amount of books he sold. He was not getting a paycheck all the time he worked on the case and no one covered his out of pocket expenses. Heck on top of that he gave 10% of what he did make away! Let's say that even if he did it was his job, you expect to get paid for your job don't you? I myself have worn out 3 cars just driving around from place to place. I just this christmas got another PC, it's my 4th complete system. Look at all the things at Kent State and you can see for yourself just what it takes to do what he has done. Like they say, don't kill the messenger

A Friend said...

James Renner does not make a living off of Amy Mihaljevic. He makes his living being a writer and doing what writers do.

A Friend said...

When I say that Mark and Jason aren't strong like Margaret I mean they are not strong enough to put themselves in the public eye and make "waves" in the stagnant waters of Amy's cold case. They have both found different ways of channeling their grief and it gives them comfort. Both Mark and Jason are people near and dear to me and I'm not insulting them. If you knew them you would understand what I mean. As far as anyone else in the family coming forward I don't even see that happening. It's just too painful. That's why I'm grateful for James Renner. And Mark and Jason are grateful for him too.

Anonymous said...

That sounds a lot better than them not being as "strong" as Margaret.

James hasn't written anything since he was fired from his newspaper job. How has he made money? One would have to guess from his book proceeds, right?

Liz Russ said...


I never asked James how he makes money, it's none of my business and has nothing to do with this case at all.
His input is the only thing that I can say counts in this case.

And just to clear something up I posted earlier about myself, I was just comparing a few things I'd done in this case and was not looking for any pat on the back.Just so we're all on the same page with that.

A Friend said...

Actually James has written a novel and its sequel since he was fired from his magazine. It comes out this year. The novel is fiction.

He is a good person and his heart is in the right place.

Liz Russ said...

A Friend:

Thanks for sharing, keep us posted as to when they come out.

Anonymous said...

He also ran his own smaller independent newspaper for maybe 8months, although it was so hard to get advertisers on board in this day and age that it sounds like he barely had the money to pay either his writers or himself.

It sounds like his wife does have a steady income as a music teacher. So they must be getting by some way or another, although it's really none of our business what exactly their standard of living is.

Liz Russ said...


I believe your correct.
Thank you for posting.

Liz Russ said...

To All:

Just wanted to let everyone know that Nancy Grace is doing a new show, which started tonight. She will be trying to find 50 people that have gone missing in 50 days. These people are children and adults alike and these are cold cases. Some only a few days old. I've requested that she do at least one show on Amy. It would probably help if others also emailed and asked.Whether she does or not is as you know left up to the show. The bigger the crowd the more the noise!

Judi said...

I recently viewed the documentary about the murder of Cindy Zarwicki.
It took over 20 years and new pairs of eyes to unravel that case. To me, the solution was so clear when her friends volunteered the information that Cindy had planned to meet her boyfriend's father at Dairy Queen. How could it be that this thread was not pursued before? Were they not previously questioned? It makes me wonder what pertinent facts others haven't come forward with in Amy's case as well. Somebody has to know something that could be linked to the killer(s)!

Liz Russ said...


I'm thrilled that you posted that here to show people what could happen if that were also done in Amy's case!

Did you know that in Amy's case different departments would not share information about what they knew with other departments? Several people including a newspaper article that was written back at that time spoke of it. It appeared to be a power struggle between the different counties. Still going on today.

Yes new eyes and a demand for all information to be turned over from all departments will probably help this case enormously. Maybe enough to say case closed!

Thanks for your comment!

Anonymous said...

I just keep asking myself what would be stopping anyone who may know something about Amy's case from telling what they know???
I understand that it's painful. Is it maybe a family member of yours that you are just scared to death of??? Are you being threatened??? Is there someone "high up" that is involved??? Someone out there knows something that is very important in helping put Amy to rest but why aren't they willing to??? Obviously the pain will never go away but a clear conscious is great to have and that's what the majority of law enforcement is for...to protect us. If you have children, ask yourself this...wouldn't you want to be able to put them to rest if someone did this to them? Wouldn't you want the feeling of justice? I guess if, we as the public, people who are haunted by this, will never know... whoever is involved will have to face judgement day! Please, if anyone has information, come forward and clear your conscious. Wouldn't it be sooo nice to have that weight lifted off your shoulders? And if you would, like Liz has said, email Nancy Grace. Let's stick together and bombard her with emails...maybe she will air something about Amy on her new show! And a very big THANK YOU to Liz and James for sticking with this!

Liz Russ said...


Thank you so much for your interest in Amy's case. Like they say " If you Don't Stand For Something You Can Fall For Anything". I stand for justice for children everywhere. If I can help just one, then I've done my job.

How about tweeting too? Let's not forget facebook!

Come on folks let's all make a great big WAVE in Nancy Graces direction for Amy!

Remember, there's another anniversary of finding Amy coming up in February! Let's make the net the biggest billboard they ever saw!

Anonymous said...

Lets forward it to all our friends.

A Friend said...

A new pair of eyes is the only thing that will get Amy's case solved. If her case continues to sit on Mark Spaetzle's desk it will remain cold. Someone else needs to take a look and see what he's been missing.
I've written daily emails to both John Walsh and Nancy Grace for about a year now. I haven't heard anything but I'm not giving up.

Liz Russ said...

A Friend:

Your probably right! After awhile things tend to look the same and you miss the details.

I just had a conversation with a very dear friend and they are putting a link on their facebook page to help spread the word. I hope more people will do that.

Thanks for your comment!

Pennsylvanian said...

I put up a link yesterday on my facebook page and actually one of my friends said he didn't realize that it has gone unsolved...So hopefully just getting thee awareness out there will spark something???

Liz Russ said...


Liz Russ said...


We appreciate your efforts more than you will ever know, thank you!

Is anyone keeping an eye on the Anderson Cooper 360 program? He is putting a spot on every night about unsolved cold cases also.His guest is John Walsh! Last night they talked about Amber and the Amber alert named for her. Tonight they are talking about the tip that came in on the Cherrie Mahan case that could give them a lead on who it was that took her 26 years ago. It's on CNN at 10:00 at pm

Pennsylvanian said...

I missed the Anderson Cooper show last night but I will definately catch it tonight. Thanks for posting it! I wasn't even aware of his new show. I'm still stuck on Investigation Discovery. (heehee)

Liz Russ said...

Folks, because today is my birthday I have something I'd like to share with all of you. I have found that in doing this blog I have a time or two come across a case that really needs some extra exposure just like Amy's. So I'm adding this for today for this family. You can never tell what may come out of it.

Janette Robersons Murder 1983 still unsolved
On January 19, 1983 my aunt was brutally murdered in a small town in northern
michigan. She was only 27. She had 2 children, a husband and a wonderful life.
She was found murdered in the basement of a store where she worked. There were
staff and customers upstairs but no one saw anything unusual. I have researched
serial killers and stalkers and the psychology one would have to posses to kill
another person. There was DNA recovered but no matches were made. I am frankly
out of ideas on what to do next. There are so many rumors in a small town its
hard to find what may be fact or what may not be.I have contacted Unsolved
Mysteries, Cold Case Files, Former FBI Agent Dayle Hinman, Americas Most Wanted,
Vidocq Society and even the local news. No one wants anything to do with it. Its
hard to realize that the death of a family memeber can be so easily push aside
and forgotten. Any help or advice on what to do next would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you

Pennsylvanian said...

Happy Birthday Liz. I am very sorry to hear of your loss! Wish I could help in anyway possible. I will do some research, whatever I can do to help!

Liz Russ said...


The story I have posted is not for me, it's another family who has been waiting for help with their family member. Because it's taken so long and so many have turned them away I told them I would post the story on my site in hopes of getting the ball rolling. Just so you know I've had over 30 interested parties in their case to help them get going again. Any help that family can get is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Thanks for the birthday greeting!

Liz Russ said...

Nancy Grace is doing a spot light on another unsolved case. Ray Gricar, he was from the Cleveland area. Should be interesting.

Maybe some people could try to call in for questions and be a name dropper! So far I've noticed that people who have done that seem to get their story on the next night!! I'm going to try to call, got any other takers? Doesn't mean I'll get through, but at least I'll give it a shot!!

Liz Russ said...

Check out what's on Renners site today.Makes a person wonder just what the reason was this FBI agent didn't bother to share his theory with the people here in Ohio to start with.

Anonymous said...

Why does he have to Liz? We aren't professionals. If he was the lead on the case, I'm sure he's shared his theories thousands of times to people that matter.

Liz Russ said...


That's all fine and well but why would book club members be PEOPLE THAT MATTER?

Anonymous said...

They aren't now. He's been off the case for years. He lives in Florida now. You want him to travel to Ohio to talk to book club members here?

Liz Russ said...


He was just here on the case a few summers ago. Why didn't he say something then? Coming back now to say anything would be unthinkable!