Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Moving on.........


Anonymous said...

Anything new to report?

Liz Russ said...

I haven't heard a thing.

Anonymous said...

There are a litany of new comments that James has allowed through the moderation queue just today, many of which tell us some interesting information.

Someone with the initials "VB" posted an interesting story about the area around the field under the Tradin' Times post; also, someone on the "Buick Searched" thread posted a story about being followed by a car (a story that sounds like it's floated around a few other times.)

Liz Russ said...


Facts are , to the the best of my knowledge,

Amy was last seen at the shopping center.

The only information released by the authorities was, Amy was hit on the back of the head and she was stabbed in the neck 2 or 3 times, she was also redressed, Any information regarding an assault on Amy was being with held at that time , then later changed to state this was a sex crime.The second autopsy was blacked out.
It was reported that Amy was NOT seen getting into any vehicle.

Amy was found in a wheat field in Ruggles twp.

As for the winter weather that year , it was a mild winter, not much snow, the field had already been replanted that fall with winter wheat. The area where Amy was found was a clump of wheat or weeds that did not grow at the edge of the field on a knoll closer to the road. There was a very deep ditch there which would make it a challenge for anyone carrying a body to get to the spot where Amy was discovered.

Reports were Amy was well preserved as she was kept out of the elements.This indicated that Amy was killed elsewhere and placed at the recovery site.

Liz Russ said...

I've got a question:

Does anyone know what kind of things Margaret Mihaljevics job at Tradin Times consisted of ? Like, Did she stay in an office at her desk all the time or was she one of the people that went out and took pictures of the things the different business had for sale?

Anonymous said...

Everything about Tradin' Times seems elusive to find...James has looked into it multiple times.

I suspect that quite a lot about it is known to authorities and can't be publicized for whatever reason.

Pennsylvanian said...

I found this article about Joseph Naso who was just arrested for some NY cold cases dating from 1977-1994. I thought it was very interesting and hoping that everyone here will keep the faith that we will find justice for Amy, too!!! It's never too late. (for those of you that one to read the article I'm sure if you just googled it, you'd find it. It automaticly comes up on my internet home page.)

Liz Russ said...


Thanks for the post, it's a very interesting story, hope people will check it out.

Anonymous said...

What do you think of Frank Dienes?

I understand that James is acting within his usual, legal boundaries in pointing fingers at a man who's under indictment for another killing, someone who to this outside observer appears to be about as guilty as Anthony Sowell for a similar method of crime.

But the list of people who were tied to the west suburbs and to the Ruggles area is, while not enormous, large enough that you could point fingers at a lot of other people.

That last quote by his mother? Pure sensationalism for James to imply what he did--it's clear in context it was just in reference to the Kopp murder.

Liz Russ said...


As far as Frank Dienes goes, I can't say much because I really haven't followed the case.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading with interest James' new info about Frank Diennes. Someone brought up James' Psychic Reading.

Liz, I *think* you had said that there was a suspect you had in mind that fit the profile. Just out of curiosity, although I know it's not really reliable, does the Reading also fit that suspect?

Have you ever brought this suspect to James' attention?

Liz Russ said...


I can't comment on the reading, it was all over the place, it could fit several people.

Did I share that person of interest info. with James, yes.


As to the new person of interest which was brought to James attention that was on the news, I didn't know of him..

Anonymous said...


Looks like the major news outlets are giving this case serious attention for the first time since Runkle's name came up!

Liz Russ said...


Anonymous said...

Wait, I thought Dean Runkle was most definitely, positively, without any doubt, the guy.

Or maybe he wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 3:32--

All of the accusations that James listed against Runkle, and his shifts in opinion to other suspects, are legally protected expressions of opinion based in facts he documented.

He, like the rest of us, is a member of the "court of public opinion," so the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't apply, and never will (all of us know too much about the case to serve on the jury when the trial comes, if we even fit the other qualifiers like residency.)

Liz Russ said...

Couldn't have said it better!

Anonymous said...

Maybe, but it certainly doesn't help his credibility.

Anonymous said...

What would you prefer, then?

If he didn't reveal information the way he did, it would make it harder for people to come forward and reveal information to advance the case.

In general, he has been good about not revealing names of suspects unless they are charged with other serious crimes and/or behaved inappropriately around children.

That's why it's balderdash that now people on his site are now saying he's dragging Frank Dienes through the mud. Technically, Mr. Dienes is "innocent" in the sense that he has not even yet been convicted of murdering Mr. Kopp, but he has been charged, and looks to be about as guilty as Anthony Sowell of a similar crime.

anonymous said...

I was wondering if they found the murder weapon that killed Joe Kopp.

anonymous said...

I was just wondering if they found the murder weapon that killed Joe Kopp?

anonymous said...

Sorry for the double

Liz Russ said...

I haven't read it in the media anywhere so far and James can't comment useless it is something linking Frank to Amy. So, until the authorities tell us we don't know.

Anonymous said...

I could care less that Dienes's name is dragged through the mud...the guy murdered somebody. I think Runkle was a creep too, but to say that Renner is good about not revealing names is "balderdash." He blasted someone's facebook address all over his Amy site simply for the reason that the guy didn't agree with him. He has NO credibility whatsover.

Look, I want this case solved as much as anybody---but seriously, James Renner hasn't done anything that the investigators haven't already. I don't know why he's being lauded as some hero. I mean if he was so good, he would've reported about Dienes a long time ago. I'm shocked that he's even letting comments through on his site that are against his P.O.V. now. For the past couple of years, he hasn't even done that.

Liz Russ said...

It was my understanding that James was just informed about Dienes after the Joe Kopp investigation started.

Liz Russ said...

Reread the first and second postings on Renners site about Frank Dienes that pretty much tells the story of how he found out.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't checking the site that much then--Was it really "all over" his site? I know he posted it in at least one place, then apologized and took it down. He may have "been carried away" (no pun intended) in divulging info about someone who wasn't even a suspect, but this comes with the territory...so many people who defended Roman Polanski, someone who is even more dangerous to children than Runkle, also have their names splashed all over the internet (and rightly so.)

You still haven't answered what method you would prefer James to use. You don't think he's done a good job of organizing and revealing information to the public in a way that helps them come forward?

He has pointed out times in which law enforcement has missed the boat on interviewing suspects, and while I think they generally have done a good job, you simply aren't going to get as many responses when most of what the public has to work with is a few sketches and blurbs saying "If you know anything call the BVPD or the FBI."

I think the "bias" of comments on his website is mostly self-selection "bias," i.e. most of the people who wrote on his site were those who disliked Runkle.

He has no problem rejecting comments that do fit his view if they are incoherent, contain certain personal information, etc.

Liz Russ said...

The point here is getting information on Amy Mihaljevic not James Renner. His style in getting info. is different from mine because he is going after and eliminating all the perverts that come his way. I on the other hand am letting people post what ever they feel is worth saying that they remember that might have substance to her case.

Look it's been a long and hard case for everyone that has been trying to help. No I don't care for some of the ways James goes about things, then again like I said that's his style. Like they say it's a dirty job but somebody has to do it. Don't kill the messenger!

Do you think Carl Monday backed down when people didn't care for his ways ?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was just responding to Anon @ 7:49's comment, and I didn't want to get into too heavy an argument with him/her.

James is following his visions (from the book) of becoming an "eleven-year old vigilante" 20 years after the fact and without actual violence, and also following his motto of "If you're going after someone, do him a favor and put him down for good."