Thursday, May 26, 2011

Caught My Attention !!

Recent television and newspaper articles on the death of Joe Kopp dredged up some things I hadn't thought of in a while. As you may have gathered on occasion I have talked with a few psychics that have and still do work with police depts. all over the U.S. One of them came to mind after hearing that a person was arrested in the death of Joe Kopp and then released. Here's what I'd like to share in part.

While giving me details of what was to come in Amy's case this was said to me,

1. There will be an arrest.
2. The person will take his own life before he goes to court.
3. This will be by his own hand.
4. He will make it look like a heart attack.
5. It will be something he does to himself.
6. There was a woman involved.
7. This woman was the first to see the body the morning after the death.
8. She wouldn't tell for fear the guy would slit her throat too.

Now, after some time, and even when they told these things to me I couldn't fit these pieces into Amy's case, until now. What was the psychic seeing? Did they see all these things happening with Joe Kopp? Was Joe Kopp telling the truth about the killer? Is there a connection with Amy? Sure is making it hard to say no at this point. I've said from the start that it looks to me like the profile is of two different people. Is that possible? Could we be looking for two men and are they related ? which only brings to mind, where does the killers
brother fit into this little story? The killer himself fits the profile, except for the age. His brother pretty much fits that if you figure he is 51 now and deduct 22 yrs. What were they doing on that farm 22 yrs. ago anyway? I don't know if either of these guys had a thing to do with Amy's death, but it sure does look interesting to me. Will someone out there explain why a killer would be out on bond when Joe Kopp was buried in their back yard? Even Casey Anthony was left to rot in jail till a few days ago! I don't believe Cleveland's serial killer Sowell is walking the streets either. Maybe we should all keep an eye on these guys to make sure nothing happens to them before one goes to court! Again this is just an opinion and subject to change any minute!

Moving On......


Liz Russ said...

Those guys are creepy to say the least!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's 'serial' killer. Unless you mean someone that's gonna off a bowl of Cheerios.

That said, isn't it amazing that psychics can tell you all kinds of things - i.e. he knew his killer, the color purple is involved, there is a financial tie - yet they cannot seem to come up with a full name or some other concrete thing. Never.

And gee, The Psychic Friends Network (remember the Dionne Warwick commercials) went bankrupt. Guess they couldn't see it coming.

In short, "psychics" are crackpots only interested in your financial sodomy. For the good variety, go see David Copperfield.

Anonymous said...

I have to thoroughly agree with Anonymous post on psychics. They should be kept as far away as possibly from this investigation. Just my opinion of course.

Liz Russ said...

I stand corrected , sorry for being so busy and tired that I just didn't see what I had typed. But like I said in the beginning there is no test on this site , I will not be giving grades at any time. Most people know what we are talking about. Sorry you missed that.

No where on this site does it state that I've spoken to any psychic net work. These are legitimate people who do work with the police and did work on Amy's case with the FBI. Amy's mother along with her grandmother also talked with these people, why do you have a problem with that? Seems your being very light hearted about such a very serious crime involving a child.

Sorry to have to clear the air here but I don't work with any crack pots, let alone pay one. Feel better now? Thanks for posting.

Liz Russ said...


Thank you for posting. Just to let you know , I'm only putting things out there that might help keep Amy's case in the forefront. After looking into this case for 21 years things start to die off and I'd truly like to see someone held responsible for this child's death. Some times it takes the odd and unusual to keep the ball rolling. Thanks again for your opinion.

Judi said...

I am still wondering about any connection between the Matlocks and Dienes. I am thinking anout that one woman's deathbed remarks about who had killed Amy.

Also, have any eyewitnesses seen Dienes's photo? Does anyone have a photo from his youth?

Liz Russ said...


I'm wondering about that too.I'm not sure how they connect,if they connect. Could be they were friends.

I haven't come across any pictures of Dienes when he was younger yet, if I do, I'll post them.

If anyone out there has a picture of Dienes feel free to share so we can compare notes.
Thanks for your comments.

Anonymous said...

If we are indeed looking for 2 men in this case.... a young Frank resembles one composite sketch, while his older brother Jim wears glasses...circular small wired glasses like those in the other composite sketch...they both drive vans for their flooring businesses. Auditors website shows brother Jim bought in seveh hills in June of 1990. Than would have been just months after she was discovered right near their Ashland property.

Anonymous said...

whoa...looks like mom and frank moved to their house on rustic oval in January of 1990...just weeks after amys body discovered....were they running away from something out there? Jim's house is up for sale he running from something again now that his brother is in the spotlight again?

Anonymous said...

omg!!!! it has something to do with school pictures.... how soon before bay village school pics did north olmsted have their pics taken?