Saturday, May 14, 2011

Police questioned murder suspect in Joe Kopp case, Frank Dienes, about Amy Mihaljevic 16 years ago

Police questioned murder suspect in Joe Kopp case, Frank Dienes, about Amy Mihaljevic 16 years ago


Anonymous said...

Wow...I think he looks alot like the composites! Thanks for sharing that, Liz! I don't really get to see the live news shows from Ohio over here in PA unless my family calls me to let me know!
Wouldn't this be so great to finally have Amy's murderer ALIVE & PUNISHED!?

Liz Russ said...


Yes it would! I'm sure it will still take some time to get a conviction if in fact he is the right person but it looks really good to me at this point in my opinion!

I'll try to post more live news reports as they come in so you and many others that surf this site can see them.Thanks for posting!

Liz Russ said...


Check James Renner's site today he has another good news post!

Judi said...

I think he looks like the composite, too, although the composite sketch appears to portray an older man. I would love to see a photo from 20 years ago. Someone must have one! Someone also has to know why joe thought Dienes was involved.

Liz Russ said...


I think a younger picture of him would be found in the school guides from the school he attended back then.

If someone looking at this site finds a picture feel free to send it. I'll post it as long as it's the right person in the picture.

I don't know why Joe thought Dienes was involved but by looking at one of the TV news casts the woman they were talking to seemed to be trying to say he had to find something first. That's just my opinion, it was hard to really tell what she said because the tape was broken up so much. I replayed it several times and that's just a guess.

Anyone else care to chime in on that one?
Thanks for the post!

Unknown said...

If you still are active on this site for Amys case Id like to speak with you. I tried reaching out to renner but he really did not take me seriously and i felt brushed off. Politely of course but I cant shake the intuition and weird little "coincidences/clues" plus the suspect sketch and drawing both fit the person Im getting at to a T.... But I cant get anyone to take me serious and hear me out. At least rule it out so i can feel better and move on with my life. I mean, he is passed now and im safe if Im wrong I dont have to worry about looking over my shoulder. Lol not really funny. Please get back to me. If you plan on making fun of me or pretending to take me seriously just dont bother. I just want amy to finally be set free with the truth and the truth to be exposed.