Saturday, October 1, 2011


Again it's getting closer to another anniversary of Amy gone missing, this time it may be just a bit different as there is a chance that a solid lead to her abductor and killer may be known.
The case of Frank Dienes, the guy that shot Joe Kopp in the head and killed him, then buried him in his own back yard has started to turn the corner. Joe's story was that Frank killed Amy, and as luck would have it Frank disagreed. I've always heard that there is some truth in stories even if it's just a smidge. So what do you think Joe had on Frank? Well, maybe we will find that out when the trial starts. Could be nothing at all, however I'm not going to miss that case because there's just to many things that match up in Amy's case to Frank Dienes. Granted there are others but they didn't seem to fit as well as Frank. I can say that if Frank didn't have anything to do with it then the person that did fits Franks profile very close.
Moving on......................


Anonymous said...

As always, excellent insight--good to see a new post from you!

There will be a pre-trial conference tomorrow--the wheels of justice keep on turning!

Anonymous said...

Do Frank Dienes and Dean Runkle possibly know each other? I am curious because I read some of James's past postings. It seems that 2 witnesses have selected the latter's photo as the one seen with Amy.

Liz Russ said...


Anything is possible, as for me knowing that ,I couldn't tell you. However if you look at both of them together they seem to have two very different lifestyles. I myself wouldn't put them together for any reason. Dienes looks like he had Joe Kopp as a friend growing up and Dean Runkle appears to have been a loner, meaning his friends were all his students. I haven't seen where he had an adult relationship with someone his own age.