Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Frank Dienes pleaded guilty to the murder of Joe Kopp. The TV interview with Franks wife Char left me with thoughts of, ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Char claims that it was self defense. I don't know about anyone else but I know for a fact that if someone is making threats against your life they can and have been removed from their own property. People don't have to take the law into their own hands and take the life of the person bothering them. So with Joe living at the Dienes house, why didn't Frank or anyone else in the house just call police and have them take Joe away? Char claims she knows her husband and he would have never done anything to hurt Amy. I say poppy cock! Char said she didn't know anything about Joe being killed and buried in the families backyard for a month, so how can she say something so stupid? Char didn't know Frank back in 1989, so what else doesn't she know about what her husband can do? I've heard love is blind , but deaf and dumb too? Oh Please.. are we to believe that Char or anyone else at that house didn't notice tracks in the yard or fresh mud leading into the house? What about that lump of dirt that wasn't there in the fall? Here's one for ya, how about the fact that Joe didn't show his face for an entire month anywhere! So Char wasn't home when the shooting took place, how convenient for Frank. The fatal shot going into Joe's head was also a red flag to me. Didn't they say there was a struggle? How odd the shot hit Joe where it did. Guaranteed Joe wouldn't talk after that.

As for Amy Mihaljevic, the wheels of justice still turn and I'm betting that the Bay Village police and the FBI and a few others are looking at Frank Dienes real hard. How could they not? After all the things that have been said about Joe Kopp telling people that he knew for a fact that Frank killed Amy. The rumors swirled like wildfire. Here are just a few that I've come across here on the net and in private conversations with others.

Franks grandfather was the only person in Franks life that cared about him.
Franks father kidnapped his mother at a very young age from Hungary, took her to Canada and married her keeping her from ever seeing her family again.
Frank was doing what he thought was right when it came to taking a wife, he took Amy as his own.
What kind of trouble was Frank in when he was a teen that caused him to be sent away?
Franks grandfather did die in the fall of 1988. Looks pretty close to 1989 to me.
Joe must have had some kind of knowledge that tied Frank to Amy, if it was only just a smidge.
Here's one for ya, what if Char talked Frank into pleading guilty because she was afraid he might come back home!!!

Moving On....................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Dienes is getting 16 to life with the plea deal, and will have DNA taken.