Saturday, March 24, 2012


I know it's been some time since anyone heard a word on Amy's case. So , I thought I'd go back again to the beginning and see just what might have slipped through our radar.

1. Spaetzel had said "we found a yellow, gold fiber at the recovery site, possibly from a 79 ford or a camper". This is in James book page 239.

2. I know the FBI had questioned Al Matlock earlier in the case and continue to show interest in this person after all these years, Why is that?

3. Ashland County has an interest in Al Matlock also, according to Roger Martin they have a warrant on him. Martin claimed Al matlock was in West Virginia.

4. Doyle Matlock ,and Al Matlock did have a cousin that lived on the corner of County Rd. 1181 and 126.

5. Doyle said to the Greenwich police chief Verberg that his uncle lived near the intersection where Amy was found. (1181, 126) He also said his cousin lives in Kentucky. James book page 127.

6. Doyle was very evasive about his family connections. Doyle grew up with his grand parents, his mother lives in Cleveland. Doyle lived near where Amy was from /Amherst a suburb near Bay. Doyle moved not far away from where the body was found. James book page 194.

7. Doyle also said he heard it on a scanner when they found her and went to his cousins house to tell them the road would be blocked by the cops soon. He knows how cops work. Renner wondered why Doyle would be listening to the scanner at 7:30 in the morning.

8. In 2005 Doyle was approximately 40 yrs. old. At that time he lived in Polk Ohio, his some time girlfriend ( Lori Ann French Right) lived in nearby Greenwich. Right was apparently leaving Doyle for good ( a domestic squabble ensued ). Doyle stabbed Right more than 20 times in the head chest and right arm. He attacked her with such force the knife blade broke off in her skull.

9. Doyle plead guilty to the charges and for exchange of 20 to life in prision. No one from Doyle's family was there when he was sentenced.

10. Pat Stokes claimed she met Margaret at Joann Stillions a year prior to Amy going missing. Years later Joann told Pat that when they find out who done it, it would be Buds boy ( Doyles cousin on 126).

11. Bill Hayes ( found in James book pg. 181- 182) called James on the phone after he read the request for information about Amy which James had placed in the Ashland newspaper. That conversation is a must read! It does connect Al Matlock to the cabin and much much more!Were all three cousins involved?

12. That log house comes up again in conversation of Ann on crime rant. People in the know!

13. A rumor going around that area stated that the FBI told the parents of there dead daughter that the same three men killed her that killed Amy. They just couldn't prove it.

14. Al Matlock was known to kidnap girls, one fell out of his van and crawled across U.S. 250 to the Norwalk hospital. Bill Hayes later found out it was his van that Matlock used without his knowledge.

15. Doyle told all his friends he killed Amy.

16. Crystal(? ) from Elyria gave some information to the FBI connecting Amy's family to Al Matlock back about 2/12 years ago.
All these things have been talked about before , have we missed anything, what's your opinion?

Moving On.................


Liz Russ said...


Looks like anyone could have done it from the size of the list of names they still have!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to think at this point--you and James continue to be worlds apart on the identity of the suspect.

Liz Russ said...

I wouldn't say worlds apart, we both have the same people in mind. We just differ in feelings of who the most likely candidate is.

Here's the thing, I have come to the conclusion that there are 3 groups with 3 people in each group. No, I will not give the names , however most people already know who these people are. I also believe that there could be a lone person in which case I have 2 other people in mind, one known and the other unknown to the world.

The one group of 3 is without a doubt the most striking in my opinion. Just as Runkle is in James.

Anonymous said...

Doyle's in prison, so they have his DNA. Have the Bay Village Police Department examined it?

Liz Russ said...


I can't say that they have because I really don't know. I don't know if the BVPD would even say one way or the other if they did or not. I would have thought they had, but maybe not.

James might have an idea because he was once there to ask Doyle questions.

Anonymous said...

How about the house on Basset? You had a lot of info on that and I thought there was a connection there to the Matlocks.

Liz Russ said...


That would be in one of the groups of 3 I spoke of.

Anonymous said...

# 16. I've never heard about that one, can you give us more info on that one?

Anonymous said...

Alvin Matlock is the best suspect of any I've read about. My money is on Al Matlock being involved in Amy's abduction and homicide.

Liz Russ said...

Anonymous ,

I'm sure he fits the puzzle somehow.With so many things pointing in his direction he would almost have to. Not saying he was the abductor or killer. The roll he played remains to be seen. Time will tell. Thanks for sharing !
Moving on.........

Anonymous said...

It was al matlock for sure he was sitting in are driveway in his car the following morning when my parents got up and started saying weird things he had been partying hard but my dad told him to leave

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing