Sunday, August 26, 2012


Recent findings state that most abductions are not strangers they are in fact familiar with the person. They either know them directly or indirectly. A possibility could be the home or where Amy lived, the stables where she rode her horse, or at mom's work place. The reason for that is because of the mothers sudden change in work hours, and they took note of that. This person then was aware of a window of opportunity. By watching the mother he saw that he had the chance to go from fantasy to reality. So the mother is the key to all this , not that the mother done anything, it was her sudden change in work hours that made it possible for Amy to be available. So, one the question was, what happened in the fall of 89. The answer is the time frame had changed. I'm just not thinking that something happened to the killer in 89 that caused him to react in this manner.

What's your opinion?

Moving on……………..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This killer was opportunistic and calculated in their actions. This was completely premeditated through a sexual attraction to Amy. It is my opinion that the killer is within 2 people of the Mihaljevics directly.

I have a question that I haven't heard an explanation to yet.

Spaetzel says the BVPD was conducting meetings the day of Amy's abduction yet he was in Amy's class that day to speak to the children.

Now this begs the question of who was in the meetings?
What was the purpose of those meetings?
Who participated in said meetings when their own patrolmen were on duty but not in attendance?
Were other LE agencies there as well?
Which agencies were there if they were?

Spaetzel said in Huffman's podcast the PD parking lot was filled with cars.
How many ppl does a small PD like Bay Village employ? 25 to 40 maybe?
Is that enough to fill the lot?
Now if other agencies are there as well this might explain a full parking lot and also opens the door for inside knowledge as when the best time to strike would be...
What are the odds that Amy just happens to be abducted when community protection is somewhat compromised by department meetings?
Was it compromised? Did they have their full policing units working the village at that time?
I'm certainly not implying that BVPD is complicit in this but if other agencies knew of their meeting date and time, isn't it within the realm of possibility that Oct 27th was a carefully selected date by persons with inside knowledge?

I think it might be.
Amy was clearly comfortable with the abductor. Enough so to go and meet him. Why would she change who she is in regards to how she acts towards strangers on that day?
Amy was familiar with the abductor prior to Oct 27th.
Now, Maybe there is more than one. The familiar one gets the girl for a short time, feeds her, makes her feel comfortable by letting her call Margaret, giving them time to keep law enforcement from being alerted to a missing child. Then she is abducted by the other members of this group and taken to the pre arranged place of the crime. This opens the door for so many ideas.
Multiple vehicles, multiple people.
Much less of a chance of getting caught.

Time to start thinking outside the box just as you have been Liz. Good work...
