Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Guess 50 Questions

While things seem to be on hold right now I can assure you they are very much working this case feverishly. Going back over things already on here I thought it might be nice to finally put a few answers or at the least guesses to some 50 questions that are just setting there waiting for someone to answer. Feel free to jump in at any time! Here goes,

1.Why was Amy the target , other than being left alone a good deal of the time that summer?
She was gullible.
2.Why didn't this case start from the school instead of the shopping center?
Because the shopping center was the last place she was seen alive.
3.Why do authorities from the Bay area think the person responsible is from the lake road area?
Because they really don't know who it is, if they did then the person would already be under arrest.
4.Why do authorities from the Ashland area think the person is from there?
Because they know their area and the type of crimes they have there.
5.Why are they looking for Al Matlock?
They need him to verify the possible person or persons they are considering.
6.Why do the houses in question all have a sales date of 1/1/90?
Back at that time that was the date entered into the computers.
7.Why don't we know anything about "Ruth"?
She was in the background, a friend, and looks like didn't have anything to do with case, so they say. 
8.Why didn't the LENSC display the plaque from the start?
They wanted the children and their families feel safe in their environment, didn't want to tarnish their good name.
9.Why is it that Ashland authorities claim to know who it is, yet nothing has been done about it?
Your guess is as good as mine.
10.Why haven't they questioned the first persons on the scene?
They  were. Many times,by the public also.
11.Why keep holding back information on this case after this many years?
They don't have much, they need to keep some things to use in a court of law. 
12.Why did the FBI look back one year for a boyfriend for Margaret?
Because they always start from the family and work their way out in doing an investigation.
13.Why is it said that drugs were involved?
Rumors of that type of thing were reported to be happening at that time in that area.
14.Why would a 10 year old be in the middle of drug dealings if it were true?
The only thing I can think of  is , wrong place, wrong time. No other reason. No child should be in any type of situation like that.
15.Why so many suspects?
Because the composite was just a general picture and could look like anyone.Other than that fear of the  person/s living next door that you really don't know.
16.Why was there a combined reason to black out the autopsy when they were getting ready to tell it on T.V., what stopped them?
We don't know.
17.Why was Amy's body put in that field?
We don't know if there was a reason.
18.Why was she moved from the place she was murdered?
The killer knows the victim, so they try to get as far away from them as possible.
19.Why haven't they come to a conclusion as to how long her body was in that field?
That's a 50/50 deal, no one can come to an agreement  as science says one thing and the people going past that area say another.
20.Why has it taken so many FBI, Police, Sheriffs to solve this case with still no answers?
Because they didn't share information when the case first became  a homicide and not just a possible abduction.
21.Why did the FBI helicopter fly directly to the house on Co. Rd. 500 when they were there?
It was rumored that the killing may have taken place there.
22.Why did the FBI cut and take pieces of the walls and dust for fingerprints in the house on 500?
Because the appearance of the houses interior lead  them to believe that something tragic did happen there

23.Why did the FBI say it was a cult house on 500?
The neighbors in the surrounding area suggested something on those lines was going on because of the traffic to that house which had been abandon for many years.
24.Why and by who's authority was the house burnt to the ground after they removed the stuff from the 500 house?
Don't know for sure, but I imagine because of the decay of the open house after that many years it was considered unsafe.
25. Why would it be said that her heart was used as a stamp to make the bloody marks on the walls?
Again this is just rumor and can't be verified, just someones opinion.
26.Why are the firemen so sure it was deer blood on the walls and not human?
It was professional opinions I'm guessing because of the carcases left behind of deers from former squatters on the property.
27.Why would anyone clean deer upstairs in a house?
There is no reason to do such a thing.
28.Why would a deer hunter put marks on the walls from a deer using it's blood?
There is no reason to do such a thing.
29.Why do all the authorities seem to think the killing took place on 500?
I don't know that all of them thought that,if they did it is their opinion.
30.Why don't we know who owned that house on 500 in 1989?
The records only went back so far and not enough to say who really did own it at the time that happened.
31.Why is it that the 500 house was known as the party house?
Because it was known by school children to be a place they could go after school and do what ever they wanted, such as smoking, drinking and just hanging out unsupervised.
32.Why would an officer of the law tell his daughter not to say anything about what she saw concerning the 500 house?
To prevent anymore rumors.
33.Why would police give back a jacket that was found that should have been considered evidence in this case?
I don't know.
34.Why would the FBI think the same men that killed the French girl are also the same men that killed Amy?
Possibly the condition of the body or just similarity of the two cases.
35.Why did someone show up at Margaret's mothers house and take possession of Margaret's address books?
Only the person that showed up there knows.
36.Why were Mark and Margaret considering divorce prior to the abduction?
I don't believe the public was ever told the reasons, I'm guessing it's personal between the two parties.
37.Why did Ruth think it would jeopardize the case to come forward earlier?
Good question, anyone care to voice an opinion?
38.Why didn't Jason say anything until the next day about Amy talking on the phone to a unknown man?
Don't know.
39.Why did Amy's dad stay in the background?
That  was his way of dealing with the situation.
40.Why is the poster composite so common looking?
Because there wasn't really any reason for the children to pay any attention to the guy to start with.
41.Why do the FBI pro filers think the killer had a sudden fascination with a cult or radical religious group?
Don't know for sure.
42.Why did the FBI pro filers think the man didn't get along with women?
Possibly because of the type of crime.
43.Why didn't anyone see her get into a car, if she was taken in a car?
Because no one was paying any attention to her.
44.Why hasn't the murder site been released?
Possibly because they don't know where it is.
45.Why were strange corrections done on the death certificate?
After a length of time they must inter some kind of information according to what the coroner explained to James.
46.Why wasn't there an inquest?
Don't know.
47.Why didn't the FBI want the billboards to be put in any other county except Cuyahoga for the 20 yr. anniversary?
Again this was a strange request.
48.Why doesn't anyone want to talk about this case in Ashland County?
Because of the fear of the unknown.
49.Why did the undercover agents have guns under their coats at the Bay Village library for the first reading of James Renner's book?
I don't think James ever told why, my guess would be that because of the people he named in his book.
50.Why did they have under cover agents at the book reading at the Ashland library?
To insure the safety of the people at the reading just in case the killer made an appearance.


Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,

This is an excellent set of questions. Don't stop the blog! Keep it going. This blog generates some very good points and questions. I'd love to see you start posting regularly again. One point on the 500 house. If a residential building is deemed uninhabitable it is nearly always bulldozed and not burned. There were no EPA burn permits issued for the Sullivan VFD to use it as a live burn training exercise.
Burning a house for training takes weeks of preparation. All hazardous combustibles such as carpets and furniture are removed because they give off phosgene gas that is ultra hazardous. The roof is vented for the firemen inside to keep temps within training temperatures. Much more is done as well to prep a home for a live burn. My conclusion is this house was not burned following proper procedure or by the proper authority. The FBI just doesn't go around and burn structures. It is not within their scope of duties or even jurisdiction.


Liz Russ said...


There’s more to the story of the 500 house. I’ll go ahead and put it out there and let’s just see where it falls.
This is a true story. One evening while a woman was at work, she was a clerk in a store, an Ashland sheriffs deputy came in and started a conversation. What they were saying deffinety caught the clerks attention. They were talking about Amy Mihaljevic and a house on county road 500. Here’s exactly what was being said. They were doing rounds out in the country driving back and forth on those dusty secluded roads. They decided to check the old abondon house down the lane on county road 500. When the officer went in the house they were pretty much shaken up as they looked at the floor. There in the middle of the floor was a satanic pentagram. They claimed to check the rest of the house and decided to take pictures for prof of their visit to the property and show the conditions when they went in. The deputy went out to the cruiser to retrieve the camera only to find they were out of film. So they left to go back in town to get more film and when they came back the house was burnt to the ground. Now the question becomes who set the house on fire and why? Then again, who knew they were there?

Thank You Eric for your interest

Liz Russ said...

More questions on that house.
Would it be that who ever put the pentagram on the floor burnt it?
Was it a friend of the owners who lived out of town and they were doing them a favor because they knew what type of things were going on there?
Could it have been the young teenagers that were known to frequent the house?
Was it a cult member making sure no one would know what they were doing in that house?
Then again just makes you wonder if a sheriffs deputy over heard the story from the officer that went back to town for film and they raced to the house to burn it to cover up what they were doing in it?
Who all knew that deputy was at that property?
What was left in the house after the FBI was there?
Just what all did the FBI take from that house?

Moving on........