Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I'd like to thank everyone for coming again this year. It was great fun seeing old friends and meeting new people! Great conversation, interesting stories, and good food. Thank you Paula Varney for providing the flyers we passed out to help keep Amy's memory alive. A very special Thank You to THE PIZZA HOUSE for having us again this year. May closure soon follow, God bless


Anonymous said...

I really wish I would have know about this sooner. I would have loved to come
and chat with all the people that want to see this crime solved. Liz, I will be emailing you, I have been actively researching this case for a few years now. Thanks for what you have done thus far. Please don't stop until Amy's killer is caught.

Liz Russ said...

Thanks for your interest, sorry you miss it. We do this every year.Email me anytime, as you probably know another anniversary is almost here.Praying for closure.

Anonymous said...

I emailed you 5 minutes ago Liz. Thank You