Sunday, August 20, 2023

The death of little ones

 Again a recent post appears to try to connect the cult with the death of young children and babies in or from the state of Kentucky. How it ties into Amy’s case or killers is a matter to be left up to the readers.  I would have no doubt  bought into all that hum bug had it not been for attending a showing of the new movie Summer of Sorrow which was shown in Ashland and Mansfield. This movie was written by members of a family that came from Kentucky in the late 1940’s who lost a baby. Not only did they suffer a loss but so did 8 more families on the out skirts of Mansfield called little Kentucky. This area was named Little Kentucky because most if not all the people were from Kentucky. Seems they came for work. Several new factories, like the Mill, GM,Westinghouse, and so on had openings for people and no one to work those jobs , so instead of starving their families these people went to where the work was. Not knowing that these very people would change the history of that community to this very day.  It was a mystery as to the cause of death of not one but all the 9 babies. In the end it came down to sanitation and bad water as the cause of death. This makes me wonder why are these other people saying that the deaths of these children they posted was due to cult when the death certificates clearly state otherwise. I know for a fact back in the early 1900’s there wasn’t any Dr’s back up in those hollers in the mountains, no hospitals either. So if a person became sick ,well it could very well end their life. There’s nothing suspicious about several infant deaths in one family , A lot of those families had a dozen children or more. It was common knowledge there were no Dr’s. I know of a family that purposely moved from Kentucky to Cincinnati just because they had a hospital.

I recall many years ago a story being told to me about people in the tri-county area sacrificing babies. I heard also about siblings impregnating each other just to make babies to sacrifice. Are any of those stories true or are they just old wives tales? Don’t know but anything is possible. Not to long ago there were tales of skinning dogs very close in the area of New London. Still yet more rumors of all the children brought down from Cleveland to 3 pay lakes. Never found out what was really going on with all that. I do recall a house that was a children’s home in that area too. I watched as a line of children climbed the steps of a bus each morning to take those children to school. What I found odd was it was in the country and there were so many young kids. Still to this day I wonder where they came from and where did they go.

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