Saturday, March 6, 2010


I was thinking the other day , if Amy wasn't seen getting into any vehicle why are so many mentioned? In the beginning I'd heard of a white van. I remember driving all over the place in search of the infamous white van. I drove up and down every country road from State Route 13 to State Route 58. I spotted a burnt out van close to the intersection of State Route 250 and 224. It was at a business, in the back of the building, enclosed in a fence area. I wasn't sure at first if the authorities were looking for a van. I was working out of Investigative Services office at the time. After discovering this burnt van I went back to my office. When I walked in the door I met with the usual friendly male greeting I heard every day," hey babe" and " Afternoon sunshine", what you been up to? A quick thought followed by " I was just driving around the Ruggles area and I found this burnt out van". They jumped to their feet! " Was it a white van?" Well that answered my question. This was a big case these seasoned guys weren't going to tell "little miss sunshine" here any of the details. So I had to find out the best way I could, it worked for me. I did tell them that there wasn't a bit of paint left on the van so I really couldn't tell what color it was before it burnt. It was just a short time later that the story of the white van was debunked. I'm still curious as to why so many vehicles and why so different? There was the white pinto that Al Matlock drove, a pickup, claims made it was Kurt's, a blue Buick,this was a claim made by Gayle St. John, she worked on the Casey Anthony case in Florida, she phoned me recently to tell me that. Then last week I spoke to a person that had turned in a report to the FBI yrs. ago of a big blue 4 door car like a Caprice not a Caprice but like one. Let's not forget the gold colored car that Mr. Runkle drove. Anyone else have a vehicle they haven't mentioned? The FBI reports that Amy was not seen getting into any vehicle. Moving on....


esora said...

I believe Mr Harvey had a red sports car at the time of the abduction.

I think the white van fear stems from the girl that got called in Bay, and saw the man parked outside of her house in a white colored van. People just ASSUMED this caller and Amy's abductor were the same person, so therefore Amy's abductor had a white van. If you lived in Bay, this was drilled into you. White van = Kidnapper's Van. I still 20 years later look differently at white vans because of this.

James thought it was the gold car because of Rick Burns, and gold color fibers found on Amy's body.

Anonymous said...

I had mentioned this a while back on James site or elsewhere and I think Liz had responded then. James had posted an interview of one of the women from North Olmsted who received those calls from an unknown man. If I remember correctly, she said outside her house was parked a "white" utility van while this person was talking to her on the phone. I believe she had remarked that they called them "kidnapper vans". I remember this young woman had long blonde hair if this jogs anyone's memory who might have remembered seeing the video. I wish James would have saved it because it is no longer available on Fox. But it was posted on Thurs. Feb 15, 2007 on James' site. It seems to me other areas beside Bay had suspicions about light colored or white utility vans. The video presented this interview as a tie-in to Amy's case.

Liz Russ said...


Yes, let's not forget Mr. Harvy's red sports car in all this.

Liz Russ said...


I do remember seeing that film clip about the girl talking about the killer van. As far as I know there was no connection to that and Amy.

esora said...

The girl you spoke of, is NOT from North Olmsted. She is from Bay (I went to school with her). She was interviewed by Lou Maglio on ch. 8 news. During this interview, Lou also mentioned girls in North Olmsted getting the same type of calls. For her privacy, she also chose to not use her real name in the interview.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the black van that Amy approached first before going up to the ice cream store.

A man in a large blue 4 door car was trying to get kids in the car in the mid 90's in Avon Lake.

It seems I can't sign into my account on Google anymore either...


Anonymous said...

maybe you need to change your password.

Anonymous said...

You could have a conflicting program that is causing the sign in problem.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell us more about this big blue car and what happened with these other children? You say it was early 90's?

Curious said...

Blue car was reported to the ALPD, don't really know what came of it. But the man in the car was brazen enough to pull into peoples dirveways! 94 or 95.

As far as the google account goes, a new one had to be created, and no compatability issues either.

Anonymous said...

Happy to see your still with us.

Liz Russ said...


Was it a black van that the woman from the salon drove or was it a woman from the stables?

Liz Russ said...


yes there was a black van also, I just don't remember right off hand who was driving it.

Anonymous said...

I apologize for the misinformation about the girl in the video. For some reason, I had remembered the North Olmsted girls and misremembered that the video had presented the girl as one of them. Re-reading James' post on that date, I see it was posted as Bay Village. I don't know why I missed that or didn't register with me yesterday. Thank you for the prompt correction. I'll make a better effort to not be haphazard if I post again.

Liz Russ said...


Post away, that's why I'm here. Mistakes happen, no biggy. At least your thinking about what went on. Thank you.

esora said...

Liz said: Esora:

Was it a black van that the woman from the salon drove or was it a woman from the stables?


I have no idea what you are asking me. I know nothing of a black van or people from the stables.

esora said...

Anonymous please keep on posting. I only knew the info because I went to school with her and remember seeing her on the news. I don't think at the time I knew she had gotten one of these calls. It wasn't until recently that I can remember it being talked about.

esora said...

side note, I don't think the white van guy did this. I think at the time Bay just happened to have multiple pervs operating. And I really think the abduction of Amy scared them into stopping or changing their locations for fear they would be associated with her kidnapping.

esora said...

@ Curious, do you know if that blue van had antennas on it, as in cell/CB etc.?

I wonder if the blue van could have been Bay's white van person back in a new van 5 years later.

Because the white van guy was bold enough to sit outside houses, so why not pull into a drive the next time?

Curious said...


I don't think I said anything about a blue van... blue car. I'll ask about antenna's... .

FWIW, I was discussing this case with a friend this past week. Out of their mouth came the statement "BV is a haven for the WPP, don't you know that!" I was floored.

esora said...

Shouldn't the WPP be kept private so how do they know it is a haven for WPP?

I know in the 80s a lot of foreign (BP) executives relocated to Bay.

Oops, I thought you said van, but car would work too. lol I just remember it being said the white van had a lot of antennas.

Liz Russ said...


I think your right, I don't believe it was the white van bandit either. Yes it did have antennas on top. It was a phone company truck from what I understand.

When it comes to that deli guy in Jameses book, he talked about the wwp. I knew he couldn't be completely wrong on all the things he told James.

It goes like this:
blue= car
white= van
black= van

Esora, curious, I have to say when I read that minor confusion I had to laugh a little!

esora said...

I don't believe the white van was ever ID'd as a phone company van. I think it was just assumed that the guy must have worked for the phone company because he had access to phone numbers. I believe the van was unmarked.

If it was a phone company van, then it would have been easy for the police to track who the person was.

I still don't believe the WPP. If Bay is a haven for WPP then it is the worst kept secret ever.

esora said...

oops forgot to ask, what deli guy? (yes I still have not read the book)

Liz Russ said...


The one in Jameses book, he claimed that the kidnaping of Amy had somthing to do with the wpp.

I wish I could find that clip from tv. I thought they did say phone company. At the time it was a big old hand held cell phone.If I'm wrong,I'm wrong.

esora said...

What deli did this guy work at?

BTW, another blog has said Amy's phone number was unlisted. Several of us have found this to be untrue. I was looking in the 1989 Criss-Cross for something else, and thought I would just look to see if Amy's number was in there, and it was. So her phone number WAS available by public record.

Ok, back to van guy. I hope Curious can find more info on the guy in AL in the CAR (not van lol ). I bet they are connected.

Liz Russ said...


The deli was in olmsted falls.It was a small sandwich shop.The guys name was Bonor that owned the place.

I know Amy's number was listed because I have it.

esora said...

How did this Bonor claim to know his info?

I know you have her number, but just letting others know it is out there. Because before there was talk about how the person that called her obtained it. (ie via a babysitting flier and etc.)

Curious said...

I read somewhere that a girl from Northfield had a white van outside her home and she was getting odd calls. I think he tried to get into her house as well. Right around the same time as Amy. The kids in AL would scream and run away at the sight of white vans, kidnapper vans they were called in the early 90's.

Keep in mind, the WPP don't always change your name. Do you really think you can get a young child not to tell who they really are, if not by accident. Kids and cops let the darndest things slip out. We're all entitled to our own opinion. Moving on.

esora said...

Because those of us in the Bay area (AL included) were thought to fear white vans, that is why I am wondering if he changed to this dark colored car, to approach kids in AL.

I am not saying you are wrong about WPP, it is an interesting theory. I just am saying I have been here all my life and have never heard it. But there are a lot of things I still don't know about this town.
But in the 80s this was the town, oil companies would set up young executives with a family.

Liz Russ said...


Bonor claimed he listen to all the different agents, judges,and so forth that came into his shop. He claimed he figured Amy's case out that way. Well we all see how far that got him.


I remember that story about the guy that made calls to a girl then tried to get into her house.

Your right about not having to change your name in wwp too. I at one point called the main office of the FBI just to ask that very question. They told the same thing you just said.

esora said...

So all these judges and FBI agents over time came into his Olmsted Falls deli and just happened to all talk about Amy? That sounds a little strange. But what do I know.

Liz Russ said...


Yep, that's basicly what happened.