Monday, March 15, 2010


I ran across a few old articles and thought I'd share them with you.

1. Rick Burns said he did not see a child in the dark colored car with out of state plates on it as it pulled out of the parking space beside the building. This is different from seeing a gold colored car and talking with the driver about directions.

2. Janet Seabold said she did not see Amy's body there the day before, her husband said it was definitely not there just a few weeks before because he didn't see it as he rode his bike past the area.

3. Tom Berse of channel 3 news said Feb. 9Th 1990 that a call had come into the station about a month before, the caller claimed Amy's body could be found near Sullivan, the caller wanted $20,000 for more information. FBI agent Robert Hawk said he recalls the investigation because they were going to set up a conference call.

4. One of the very young girls called said the man told her his name was Bill. Another very young girl said the man talked about sports and wanted to know if she had a jersey.

5. Jessica Hindall (13) remembers her mother telling of seeing a scary looking man in the shopping center that day, he had a beard and was wearing sunglasses. Another man was setting in a white van with the door open.


esora said...

Who is Tim Burns? The person that saw the gold car was owner Rick Burns.

Liz Russ said...


I didn't notice that the name was different. Your right it is Rick,the article does say Tim.

Esora said...

Could Tim be a son or brother?

Liz Russ said...


I just think they made a mistake when they wrote the article because his picture is just above it and it is Rick.

Esora said...

About this one...4. One of the very young girls called said the man told her his name was Bill. Another very young girl said the man talked about sports and wanted to know if she had a jersey.

I don't believe the same man called the girls that took Amy. If Bill was his real name, do you think it was Bill S?

Liz Russ said...


No I don't think the same guys called Amy. I really think it was a different set of circumstances.
This person was watching Amy and knew she was who he wanted.I believe he had seen Amy before, not that she seen him. I believe he had conversed with someone she knew that had knowledge of the area.

No don't believe so. I think this Bill guy just told her that was him name to keep the convesation going.

Judi said...

I don 't know if I have asked this before. Please forgive me if I have. Do you know if Al Matlock possibly knew the teacher that James thought might have commited the crime? When I viewed that Fox 8 segment a while back, it appeared that Burns identified a photo of that person as having been in the area of his garage the day of Amy's abduction. If that wasn't the teacher's photo, whose was it?

Liz Russ said...


I can't say that Al knew the teacher or not. Rick Burns and a female both said the picture LOOKED LIKE the teacher but couldn't be 100%.I have a different person in mind and can't release the name just yet. I did turn the name in.

Judi said...

Liz, what do you mean you turned the name in? To whom? Is it someone we have heard of before? How did you deduce this person? I'm really curious.

Liz Russ said...


The person that I have fits everything the FBI is looking for in the ten yr. report.It may or may not be him. He also looks just like the 1st composite. I turned this person into Det. Mark Spaetzel.No it's not a name that has been heard before.I must say, it does look like it could be him, but you can never tell.

Liz Russ said...


The connection would be Al Matlock. Not that he done it, rather he very well could have set it up. This is just an opinion so let's not put all our eggs in one basket just yet.

Judi said...

How did you come up with this suspect? Was it someone you uncovered in your reserch? Did he have connections to, access to, and a motive for abducting Amy? If it is someone whom we haven't heard of before, how did the FBI and the authorities miss him? I'm really intrigued!!
PS Have you established a connection between him and Al Matlock?

Liz Russ said...


He was actually my first suspect years ago. The thing was at the time I only had part of a history on him.Yes I did uncover him, however to put all the pieces together I did have help from someone else.Yes he did have access,motive and connections to get to Amy.I don't think the authorities looked hard enough at him. If they had known a few other things about him they would have noticed him more. I just think because there were so many people turned in that they couldn't have gone into more detail with him. They had to checkout everybody. Yes there is a definite connection with Al Matlock.

Judi said...

Wow!! Do you think there will be any movement on it? Have you had any response from the detective? I think it is quite interesting that the person checks the blog periodically. Is he still in the area? Have you discussed this person with James Renner?

Liz Russ said...


I know they are looking for Al Matlock actively.I haven't talked to any detectives.He is still in the area. I sent James a real rough copy of my story and requested his opinion, never heard a word back. So who knows.

Anonymous said...

How long ago did you send James a copy of your report?

Will you be able to follow up with LE if you don't hear from them? Do you think they'll be at liberty to tell you what they think of your material?

How can you tell who checks this blog?

Liz Russ said...


I sent James a story,a very rough draft of a story,a week ago.
Just to get his opinion.James doesn't have anything to do with it other than maybe a comparison to what he might have. I don't know what all he has. I wanted his opinion.

I can ask LE what if anything didn't fit, or if I'm off altogether.The most they can say to me is they are not at liberty to say. Why would they be? I'm no one important that they would have to answer to.I understand all that.I've just been researching this case for years. When I run into something that might be important then I let them know.I have to tell you in all these years LE has e-mailed me thank you 3 times. I have talked to Det. Spaetzel different times. Along with several FBI agents. I just want them to get the people involved. I would want that whether it was Amy or some other child.

I can't tell everyone who checks this site. I know LE does because they told me so.It's like this there are somethings that I can't talk about on here that goes with my story, if I'm right then I'll tell ya everything and there won't be any questions. That's the best I can do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Liz.

I hope you're on to something. I think it's good that you're comparing with James. Hope you get some feedback from him.

I know LE can't say anything that would compromise the case, but if I turned a bunch of stuff in, I'd be hoping to get some feedback if it was worth anything, just so I wouldn't be hanging in limbo as to what they thought of it. Just wondered if you thought they would give you feedback.

That's interesting, and good to hear, that LE has access to check web sites to see if the perp is browsing the Amy sites. So, do they have someone in mind that they've watched? Or are they just assuming the perp is doing this?

Liz Russ said...


LE has always been able to watch sites. To the best of my knowledge that's how they get peds in chat rooms and such for children.

I don't know who they have in mind, I figure there just watching in general to see if something comes up that would indicate or generate a lead in the case.

I've never thought they would give me feedback, but like I said they did thank me 3 different times, which makes me think that what ever it was that I gave them was either right or made them think in a different direction. They don't have time to address every person that turns things in. If I never hear of anyone being charged, and I haven't, then I can only assume I am wrong.I've turned in other things. That's ok I've been wrong before but that's not going to stop me from continuing to find the person that committed the crime.

Judi said...

Can you share the nature of the connection that exists between the abductor and Al Matlock? Are they friends, relatives, former co-workers? Do you think he's aware of your suspicions?

Liz Russ said...


I think it's more "business" remember Al didn't work anywhere. I believe he did know the person from area contacts.

I think Al knows authorities are looking for him.

Judi said...

I was asking if you thought the person whose name you turned in to Spaetzel was clued in to your suspecting him. When you said that you believe Al knows the police are looking for him, did you mean Al himself, or the other person?

Liz Russ said...


Al himself. I don't think the other guy is aware of it yet.