Friday, November 12, 2010

Just In !

Sources today tell me that when Amy's body was discovered she was chewed very badly by coyotes. They still roam the area today. Now why wasn't that talked about before? Nothing like keeping the public in the dark over all of this. Granted, no one wants to really hear the gruesome details of what happened to this innocent child , but if that's what it takes to get this case closed and the killer jailed I'll certainly post it here!
Moving On.......


Anonymous said...

I don't understand how this information could lead to her killer? Can you explain the thought process?

Liz Russ said...


The more people tell what they know the better the chances of someone having the piece that fits and brings the case together. Authorities have said for a very long time now that all they need is a tiny bit of information to make an arrest.This tells me they DO know who it was, but don't have enough information to get a conviction!

James Renner said...

This didn't happen. She was well preserved by the cold. I have, unfortunately, seen pics from the scene.

Liz Russ said...


Is it possible that you didn't see all the detail of the pictures, or all the pictures? Or for that matter the right pictures?
I'm asking because the guy that told this was working at a near by farm when Amy was found and went over to the site and looked down at her. This was his statement. He also wanted to know if you had put it in your book, and if not, why? He wanted to know if it was something the authorities were trying to hold back for some reason.If I'm wrong then I stand corrected.

James Renner said...

I saw her from every possible angle. No signs of animals.

Liz Russ said...


Thank You for your input, I stand corrected.
Were there any kind of marks what so ever on the outside of the body?

If not, are we to believe there was something wrong with her body that would cause the authorities to blackout parts of their report?

James Renner said...

There is information in there they are keeping close to the vest. Stuff only the killer would know. Nothing that would really help people understand who her killer was.

Anonymous said...


Please answer the question, "Were there any kind of marks what so ever on the outside of the body?"

There have been some very unsettling things written on this blog reagarding Amy's body parts missing, cut out, put back in...

If that is the case, it definitely tells signs of the killer and what kind of kind of killer he/she is.

James Renner said...

No body parts were removed.

Anonymous said...

To James Renner

I believe there has been to many things said all the way around to make the public not think it was a cult thing done to this girl.

The FBI ten yr. report refers to it too.

Anonymous said...

So it was a sex crime like the FBI said. That means that they probably did make a porn movie.

But according to you James there was
no sex
no porn movie
no mafia
no stepfather
no drugs
no body parts removed
nothing on the body
no cult
So what was it?
Everybody can't be wrong.

James Renner said...

I was wrong on the "no sex" part. She was assaulted.

Anonymous said...

James does that mean she was assaulted to death?

Liz Russ said...


The FBI did state it was a sex crime.

Refer back to her death certificate for final cause of death.

The sexual assault didn't kill her, but played a big part in her abduction according to officials I spoke with.

Anonymous said...

To James
James do you think it was only one person involved?

Liz Russ said...


I can't answer for James, however it does look like he is seeing only one person being involved.

On the other hand I tend to lean the other way. It's my thinking that Amy did talk to someone on the phone, she verified that when she told her classmate walking to the shopping center that she was meeting a friend of her mothers. This was part of the big secret.

Then it seems to me that she had to know who to look for after she got there. Unless the perp told her what color and type of vehicle to watch for. If that were the case then it would still be just one person.

I'm thinking though, it had to be at least two people to keep her from trying to get out of the vehicle if she suddenly figured out she was in trouble.

They could have used chloroform on a rag and put it over her face to knock her out. After all the perp couldn't risk driving down the road with a little girl screaming and throwing a fit in the vehicle, people would notice. Again this just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I will never look at this blog again after reading this post. What is the point of mentioning that Amy's body might have possibly been subjected to further harm as well as the terror she faced when she was alive?
You didn't know Amy, it's easy for you to discuss these horrifying things with ease but the people who love her feel differently.

Liz Russ said...


You have some nerve!
With ease! Since WHEN!
Good your gone, we don't need any pity me people on here. They don't get any kind of results! This case is old and needs to be cleared up, Amy's family needs closure as do many others who have been haunted by what happened to her for years!
The point of this post is to bring out into the open what did or did not happen. Shame you couldn't see that.
A death of a child occured and no one knows why.
We want to know why, when , how , where and who was involved.
The majority of people here want closure for her family and friends we don't want Amy to become a backwoods country legend. We want someone to be held responsible for their actions!
You on the other hand want to sweep this all under the carpet and go on with your life as if nothing ever happened.You don't know if this has happened to another child or not, but your willing to go on living in total bliss without caring one bit about any other person but yourself! You didn't care about her at all, you only want people to think you did!

Anonymous said...

To be honest here, I don't see how the original post would have been of any significance as seedlings would have been in relation to time in the field. Animals can arrive at any time the same as a wind can blow a cover off. Maybe it could have been cross-checked with James who had seen the autopsy report as he denies it.

I don't read into what anonymous meant as she wanted to sweep it under the rug. This may be a person who was close to Amy and the original post that made me wince, too, along with it being questionable evidence. Sorry, I know you mean well here and are also working very hard on this. Your efforts are much appreciated. I can see how you thought it might be of some significance since the farmer said he didn't understand why it wouldn't be included in Amy's book. If I'm not mistaken, James saw the coroner's report after it was published.