Saturday, November 6, 2010

Zahra and Amy Blood Sisters ?

No they weren't related, yet the commonalities of these two cases are very similar to say the least. While deeply in grossed in the Nancy Grace show updates on Zahra Baker the ten year old from Hickory N. Carolina, I was a bit amazed to see that the investigation had things that ran parallel with Amy's case. For instance, both were ten starting out. Both girls lost a great deal of blood. Both went missing in October. The blood and the bodies were not found together, (Zahra's body yet to be found as of this writing). There's been talk of cult being involved, FBI cut holes in the floor of the house. They also cut the drywall off the walls. In Amy's case it was the house on county road 500 where all the cutting took place.Here's one thing I hadn't thought of before in Amy's case that was brought up in Zahra's, the black plastic that covered all the windows. It was put there by none other than the FBI. So why didn't the authorities say that in Amy's case, instead of letting the whole damn country believe it was placed on the windows in that old farm house by some strange killer or group of undesirables that could have been roaming the country side in search of virgin children to mutilate? That in it's self changes the way the area people would have thought about the killer in Amy's case. It kinda narrows down the field of suspects in Amy's case and could have very well eliminated about 20 yrs. or so of hunting this killer down. It is possible that Amy's case would have been solved by now, instead of this twenty something year wait. It does look like they are waiting for science to catch up to the DNA they already have. Something else that disturbs me even more is the fact that not one time did the Nancy Grace program give Amy any attention. I know for a fact that they were contacted several times, I done that myself. I know other caring people have also contacted them. It's like Nancy Grace isn't interested in the disappearance and death of Amy at all. As far as that goes neither is Robin Meade! She too ignores Amy's case! What could possibly be their reason? Was Amy not good enough for them? As Nancy Grace would say and I quote " she was a child people". At least John Walsh cared enough about Amy to talk about her on his show.

Moving on.............
More bones found, believed to be that of 10 year old Zahra.


Liz Russ said...

Just a glimmer of respect for Amy could be all it takes to push everything out into the open on this case.

It looks like cult want to be's according to the FBI 10 year report. It was males. One to whom I posted directly on the 21 year anniversary.Perhaps one just waiting to die after all he has got to be very old and wrinkled by now! Possibly one already dead, not a day to soon I might add! Just who is this small group in Ashland County?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I hadn't heard about Zahra case until now; interesting parallels. I know people have speculated on the similarity of other cases, such as the Colorado case of Peggy Hetrick, and even the Jon-Benet case (which is only barely similar) but there are a lot of similarities here.

Liz Russ said...

I reminded Det. Spaetzel of the Hetrick case not long ago because, it was lacking one month of being 20 yrs. that they were able to still get touch DNA from Peggy Hetricks clothes.That's when he told me that he was aware of the case and that authorities were using every new thing that comes out in Amy's case.

As for JonBenet's case, when I talked with Det.'s on that case years ago I was told that there were so many keys to that house, there was no way to tell who it could have been that done it. I got the feeling when Det. Lou Smit was brought into the case he would have some kind of idea who it was just by lookig at the evidence.I would tend to agree with his findings.

Anonymous said...

Why would you contact Robin Meade?

Liz Russ said...


Robin Meade is from the New London area, she was born and raised there. Robin works for the HLN tv news station, she might have been able to do a story on Amy's case and gotten it a lot of needed attention.