Friday, December 17, 2010


Why is it that back in 1996 in another unsolved murder case of a child all the information in the world was released to the public. Crime scene photos along with autopsy photos? The child I'm speaking of was the beautiful JonBenet Ramsey. Check it out, the things in her case are all over the net, yet not a word has been spoken in Amy's case, why? Jonbenets parents were crucified, as it turned out for no reason. A Detective named Lou Smit did show some signs of having the answers to the case, which is still open. Lou died in August 2010.

Amy's case in the beginning had countless T.V. personalities interviewing her mother. Even the first Americas most wanted program, host John Walsh had a show about Amy's case. Still today they have the case listed on their site. Robin Mead is a hometown girl, Amy was found just outside her hometown. You would have thought she would have wanted to say something on her morning show about the 20 yr. anniversary and the billboards, just to help out, she didn't. Not even Nancy Grace would get involved in the case, but you can see she was right there in Jonbenets case. That's a good thing ,but again why not Amy? Nancy has done hundreds of cases.

What is the big secret when it comes to Amy? Why haven't these people bothered to step in and do more now? Just to mention the name of Amy would turn heads, after all her picture and story went world wide. Is this some colossal cover up? If so what would it be? The whole case sounds so simple until you want to know who done it and why, then the thing just unravels in every direction. It seems like it goes in every direction because you can't get more than a few things to go together and match. Disregard the DNA for now. What do you really have?

Here's what you have for sure, a kidnapped and murdered female child, body found with little to no blood, on country road, 50 miles or so from home, redressed, gash in back of head, stab wounds to the neck,missing shoes,one earring,book bag, windbreaker,notebook with best of class on it and her panties on backwards. A carpet fiber and according to officials a lot of evidence the public is unaware of from someplace.

James Renner has written a few books, one is all about his search for her killer . The other does speak of Amy also. James has put in countless hours trying to find the killer or at least the truth. Detective Mark Spaetzel has been on the case from the beginning, he still waits for that one little piece to tie the case together.

December 25Th marks another yr. in the death of Jonbenet Ramsey. My prayers go out to her family.

Every day hundreds of children go missing never to be seen again. There are numerous organizations and groups that search for them, sometimes they get lucky, more often not. This Christmas I have a few wishes,

1. Amys family will finally get closure.

2. Kyron is found alive and well.

3. No child will suffer from the hands of another.

4. And peace shall cover the earth

Moving On........

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Just a refresher in what type of person we are looking for.

1. A slightly built man
2. White male
3. Mid-to late 30s
4. Older than average for a first time aggressor.
5. Not remarkable in appearance.
6. Average height,weight,and build
7. Looks presentable, not accomplished or professional.
8. He is socially marginalized,not in the main stream,not a run of the mill citizen,
9. He won't fit in with his peers very well,especially woman.
10. People who know him will describe him as odd or difficult.
11. It's likely he was living alone or with a single roommate, maybe still at his parents house.
12. Unlikely in a successful marriage.
13. The killer was most likely to have undergone some sort of dramatic change in his behavior, personality,or appearance in the weeks preceding the crime.
14. He developed a sudden compulsive or obsessive disorder, experienced a personal catastrophe or an emotional setback.
15. He may have started drinking heavily ,or stopped drinking suddenly.
16. He could have started in to hard drugs or quit a drug habit.
17. There was a drastic change in his life, maybe a sudden fascination with a cult or radical religious group.
18. Something happened in the fall of 1989, something that would have been noticeable to close friends or relatives.
19. There was a pre-event stressor.
20. Something that took him from fantasy to action.
21. The stress in his life may have been reflected in a dramatic change in his physical appearance. He let his hair grow long or cut it very short.His health suffered. His weight fluctuated. There were changes in his appearance or lifestyle.
22. This man was not passing through.
23. The unknown male has reason to know this area. A resident, a contract worker or delivery person familiar with Bay Square.
24. The Ashland county location is just as important.This was not random.
25. The unknown male knew County Road 1181, he had been down that lonely stretch of road before.
26. He was familiar with Bay Village and familiar with the area in Ashland.
27. He had knowledge of the family. personal knowledge in considerable detail.
28. It is likely this person had criminal sexual contact with other female children.
Moving On..........

Friday, November 12, 2010

Just In !

Sources today tell me that when Amy's body was discovered she was chewed very badly by coyotes. They still roam the area today. Now why wasn't that talked about before? Nothing like keeping the public in the dark over all of this. Granted, no one wants to really hear the gruesome details of what happened to this innocent child , but if that's what it takes to get this case closed and the killer jailed I'll certainly post it here!
Moving On.......

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Zahra and Amy Blood Sisters ?

No they weren't related, yet the commonalities of these two cases are very similar to say the least. While deeply in grossed in the Nancy Grace show updates on Zahra Baker the ten year old from Hickory N. Carolina, I was a bit amazed to see that the investigation had things that ran parallel with Amy's case. For instance, both were ten starting out. Both girls lost a great deal of blood. Both went missing in October. The blood and the bodies were not found together, (Zahra's body yet to be found as of this writing). There's been talk of cult being involved, FBI cut holes in the floor of the house. They also cut the drywall off the walls. In Amy's case it was the house on county road 500 where all the cutting took place.Here's one thing I hadn't thought of before in Amy's case that was brought up in Zahra's, the black plastic that covered all the windows. It was put there by none other than the FBI. So why didn't the authorities say that in Amy's case, instead of letting the whole damn country believe it was placed on the windows in that old farm house by some strange killer or group of undesirables that could have been roaming the country side in search of virgin children to mutilate? That in it's self changes the way the area people would have thought about the killer in Amy's case. It kinda narrows down the field of suspects in Amy's case and could have very well eliminated about 20 yrs. or so of hunting this killer down. It is possible that Amy's case would have been solved by now, instead of this twenty something year wait. It does look like they are waiting for science to catch up to the DNA they already have. Something else that disturbs me even more is the fact that not one time did the Nancy Grace program give Amy any attention. I know for a fact that they were contacted several times, I done that myself. I know other caring people have also contacted them. It's like Nancy Grace isn't interested in the disappearance and death of Amy at all. As far as that goes neither is Robin Meade! She too ignores Amy's case! What could possibly be their reason? Was Amy not good enough for them? As Nancy Grace would say and I quote " she was a child people". At least John Walsh cared enough about Amy to talk about her on his show.

Moving on.............
More bones found, believed to be that of 10 year old Zahra.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

21 Years of Why's

I'm sure, most of you know that it's coming up another anniversary of the kidnap and murder of 10 year old Amy Mihaljevic. I have a few questions regarding this horrendous ordeal that Amy went through.Her spirit could very well be watching from the heavens to which she now resides also questioning these things. Because no one knows for sure what transpired that fateful day it has left scars on hundreds of peoples lives. It would appear that everyone is chasing the rainbows end, as it has yet to be found too. The thoughts that many people have of " I wish I'd been watching closer the days leading up to her disappearance " or " If only I'd been there to help her". Do these thoughts ever cross your mind? Are you one of the hundreds that are haunted by her memory even though you never met? Do you have questions too? Here is a list of 50 of mine, should you have any answers that we can kick around feel free to post away. Do I still think they will arrest someone very soon? OH YES!!!!!!

Moving on..........

1.Why was Amy the target , other than being left alone a good deal of the time that summer?

2.Why didn't this case start from the school instead of the shopping center?

3.Why do authorities from the Bay area think the person responsible is from the lake road area?

4.Why do authorities from the Ashland area think the person is from there?

5.Why are they looking for Al Matlock?

6.Why do the houses in question all have a sales date of 1/1/90?

7.Why don't we know anything about "Ruth"?

8.Why didn't the LENSC display the plaque from the start?

9.Why is it that Ashland authorities claim to know who it is, yet nothing has been done about it?

10.Why haven't they questioned the first persons on the scene?

11.Why keep holding back information on this case after this many years?

12.Why did the FBI look back one year for a boyfriend for Margaret?

13.Why is it said that drugs were involved?

14.Why would a 10 year old be in the middle of drug dealings if it were true?

15.Why so many suspects?

16.Why was there a combined reason to black out the autopsy when they were getting ready to tell it on T.V., what stopped them?

17.Why was Amy's body put in that field?

18.Why was she moved from the place she was murdered?

19.Why haven't they come to a conclusion as to how long her body was in that field?

20.Why has it taken so many FBI, Police, Sheriffs to solve this case with still no answers?

21.Why did the FBI helicopter fly directly to the house on Co. Rd. 500 when they were there?

22.Why did the FBI cut and take pieces of the walls and dust for fingerprints in the house on 500?

23.Why did the FBI say it was a cult house on 500?

24.Why and by who's authority was the house burnt to the ground after they removed the stuff from the 500 house?

25. Why would it be said that her heart was used as a stamp to make the bloody marks on the walls?

26.Why are the firemen so sure it was deer blood on the walls and not human?

27.Why would anyone clean deer upstairs in a house?

28.Why would a deer hunter put marks on the walls from a deer using it's blood?

29.Why do all the authorities seem to think the killing took place on 500?

30.Why don't we know who owned that house on 500 in 1989?

31.Why is it that the 500 house was known as the party house?

32.Why would an officer of the law tell his daughter not to say anything about what she saw concerning the 500 house?

33.Why would police give back a jacket that was found that should have been considered evidence in this case?

34.Why would the FBI think the same men that killed the French girl are also the same men that killed Amy?

35.Why did someone show up at Margaret's mothers house and take possession of Margaret's address books?

36.Why were Mark and Margaret considering divorce prior to the abduction?

37.Why did Ruth think it would jeopardize the case to come forward earlier?

38.Why didn't Jason say anything until the next day about Amy talking on the phone to a unknown man?

39.Why did Amy's dad stay in the background?

40.Why is the poster composite so common looking?

41.Why do the FBI profilers think the killer had a sudden fascination with a cult or radical religious group?

42.Why did the FBI profilers think the man didn't get along with women?

43.Why didn't anyone see her get into a car, if she was taken in a car?

44.Why hasn't the murder site been released?

45.Why were strange corrections done on the death certificate?

46.Why wasn't there an inquest?

47.Why didn't the FBI want the billboards to be put in any other county except Cuyahoga for the 20 yr. anniversary?

48.Why doesn't anyone want to talk about this case in Ashland county?

49.Why did the undercover agents have guns under their coats at the Bay Village library for the first reading of James Renner's book?

50.Why did they have under cover agents at the book reading at the Ashland library?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Riddle Me This

I was thinking this morning about Amy's death certificate and how it stated that her heart stopped from the shock of the lack of blood, which was caused by the stab wounds to the neck. I also thought of how way back way back I had heard that it was a cult thing because it happened in October, and that the pictures of the house on County Rd.500 were crime scene photos and they used her heart to make the marks on the walls. In recent comments on Jame's site he again brought up the fact that Mr. Case had seen who he believed to be Amy and an unidentified white male December 7Th of 1989. I also thought about when I had heard that Amy didn't die in October it was more between December 25Th and New Years of that same year. I recall being told too that who ever it was removed body parts from this poor child. My questions are:

1. If that were the case that Amy was still alive in December wouldn't that also be saying that It wasn't an occult thing to start with?

2. If , who ever done this did in fact remove her heart and use it to mark the walls in the house on County Rd. 500, then how could the coroner possibly say that the heart stopped when in fact there was no heart there when the body was found? What did they use to determine their findings?

3. I had heard that Ashland had done the preliminaries on the body before it was taken to Cuyahoga County. Does that mean that even there they just went by what Ashland said to start with because the body was in such odd condition as it was missing some parts.?

Moving On........


Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today I've had several calls come my way to inform me that listed in an obit. of the Matlock family it tells that Al Matlock is in Georgia! Check it out yourself in the Elyria paper today.So now that would mean the FBI would have a start in the search for Al Matlock!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Today I spoke with Detective Spaetzel regarding any updates on Amy's case. I am pleased to tell you that Amy is still in the forefront when it comes to finding her killer. Even as we spoke I sensed a bit of excitement in his voice. Could it be that things are moving right along in this case? My guess is yes. Detective Spaetzel did tell me he got not one but two more leads today! How exciting it is to hear that people are still pushing the envelope when it comes to justice! I did ask about the DNA and was told that they have every new kind of procedure dealing with DNA that is out and they are using it! There were so many things that he couldn't say that it made me feel good that he couldn't, because the chances are they are on to something. Which I truly believe they are as I stated before.The Bay Village Police Department is still asking anyone if you even suspect that someone you know of and never bothered to say because they didn't look like the composite might be in someway involved with this crime to call the FBI or the BVPD @ 440-871-1234 You just might have that one little piece of information they are looking for that pulls this all together.

MOVING ON.................

Friday, April 30, 2010


Just recently I purchased the movie The Lovely Bones and couldn't get over how very much that movie coincided with Amy's case. James had commented too as to the erie way it portrayed the characters and storyline much the same way as the on going story of Amy and the history in her case. I felt as if the person that made that movie had been in the area of Bay Village and Ruggles just kicked back watching all the things unfold and writing them down as time went on. Granted there were a few things changed around, but not many. One major difference was the fact that the story The Lovely Bones had an ending. Maybe there wasn't a difference. Maybe Amy's case does have an ending and we just haven't seen it because we the people want to hang the responsible parties involved from the nearest tree! I don't know, it is a very good movie when comparing it to Amy . If you haven't seen it yet you should. What's your thoughts? Moving on........

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Questions, Answers, and Opinions

I thought some of you may have questions, answers, or opinions you would like to comment on as we go along. Feel free . I don't know that I would have the right answers but someone on here will or I'll try to find it. It's been a long haul for this case but I'm confident the end is near. Moving on...........

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Gore !

A doorway in the kitchen- notice the fingerprint dust down the frame, bet they got a lot of fingerprints off that!
Kitchen floor- see where the FBI cut out the flooring? Blood spots.
Do you think they might have gotten a footprint there?
Whoever, covered the windows with Black plastic bags- they didn't want to be seen doing what they were doing.- What do you think that might have been?
Last two shots are looking down the stairwell- notice how the blood spots are all on one side of the steps? Do you think maybe they were carrying something that had blood dripping off that side.
I know it could have been a deer, and I could have been a turtle!
Moving On.....

Monday, March 29, 2010


This is as good as I can get for a map.

STOP ! Before you go any farther this does have a few pictures of the inside of the house on County Road 500 in Ruggles that was burnt to the ground. The first is a picture of the garage which still stands and you can see it from overhead on google earth maps.The next one is the outside of that house before it was burnt.The next 2 are inside the house, you can see the blood running down the wall in the stairway, the other is looking down the stairs from the landing, look at the one that is smeared across the wall, it looks like there is a name in it. The next picture is showing how the house was setting back behind the woods, from the road this is all you could see, look closely you can see the garage. The next picture is the Westlake house, note how close it sets beside the bank parking lot. In the next picture it is showing the house in the map that the stranger drew in Paula's store of the house across from the police dept. The next picture is in the Ruggles area and may or may not have a connection to the case. It was brought to my attention many years ago. The last 2 are again of the house on 500. These are just a collection of some of the pictures I've acquired over the years.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I'm finding it very interesting that finally after all this time authorities are letting some answers out about Amy's case. Granted they are not giving it out to the public rather James ran across it almost by accident. Now from the get-go I've said Amy had to know who it was she was meeting that day. In Jame's most recent post he tells how it was that Det. Spaetzel left a note inside another case file and admits in it that Amy or the Mihaljevic family did know who the person/s were that was involved. Well duh, it's about time!

There was a police officer standing not 25 feet away from her when this man lured Amy away, he may not have been on duty but he definitely was there. The officer was pretty much harassing these three children as the man was coaxing Amy into the car. What's the chances that the officer saw what was going on and stood there and done nothing? What's the chances he knew who the person was that was doing this? I'd say there is a 100% chance! So then why hasn't that officer been questioned? Maybe he was and didn't tell the truth. Maybe he should take a lie detector test. Why wouldn't he tell the truth? Probably because he just stood there and done nothing while he was scaring the bejesus out of young Bay area children! A grown up bully wearing a uniform. That's pare for the course now isn't it.

Recently I wrote a story as to what happened to Amy and planned on posting it. I've since thought differently. Why , because the escape to the Ruggles area and the phone call just didn't jive when I thought about it. I was putting Amy in the Westlake house making the call from there. She couldn't have. Amy must have made the call just like the children said, from the payphone at Avellons, or there abouts. Amy probably also called before she was with the abductors. I just can't see them letting her make a call or getting out of the car again after getting in. At that point she was under there control and that's what they wanted. Moving on.......

Monday, March 15, 2010


I ran across a few old articles and thought I'd share them with you.

1. Rick Burns said he did not see a child in the dark colored car with out of state plates on it as it pulled out of the parking space beside the building. This is different from seeing a gold colored car and talking with the driver about directions.

2. Janet Seabold said she did not see Amy's body there the day before, her husband said it was definitely not there just a few weeks before because he didn't see it as he rode his bike past the area.

3. Tom Berse of channel 3 news said Feb. 9Th 1990 that a call had come into the station about a month before, the caller claimed Amy's body could be found near Sullivan, the caller wanted $20,000 for more information. FBI agent Robert Hawk said he recalls the investigation because they were going to set up a conference call.

4. One of the very young girls called said the man told her his name was Bill. Another very young girl said the man talked about sports and wanted to know if she had a jersey.

5. Jessica Hindall (13) remembers her mother telling of seeing a scary looking man in the shopping center that day, he had a beard and was wearing sunglasses. Another man was setting in a white van with the door open.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Presented here, for the first time, is the closest description of the Unknown Male what he looks like, what he does, how he behaves, where he lives. Obviously, because his identity remains unknown, these are theories, not facts, but if recent history is any indication, when he is finally caught, he will be remarkably close to much of the description provided by FBI experts. One crucial aspect of the revised “profile” relates to the ubiquitous poster of the suspect. Remember the undistinguished drawing of the slightly built man, unremarkable in appearance? Forget it. At least for now, set it aside. It could be that the Poster Man is not an accurate portrayal of the Unknown Male. The description provided by witnesses was based on fleeting glimpses of a man seen approaching Amy, but not in actual contact with her. There was no reason to scrutinize him and nothing extraordinary about his actions or appearance. Wrenn emphasizes that “people should not hesitate to contact us if they have some information, but the man doesn’t look like the drawing I can’t say that strongly enough.”The rest is a behavioral composite based on 10 years of available information. The offender is a white male. At the time of the crime, he was in his mid- to late 30s, older than average for a first-time child aggressor. He is not remarkable in appearance, within average ranges of height, weight and build. He may look presentable, but not accomplished or professional. “He is socially marginalized, ” according to Etter. “Not in the mainstream, not a run-of-the-mill citizen.”“He won’t fit in with his peers very well, especially women,” adds Lord, “and the people who know him will describe him as ‘odd’ or ‘difficult.’ It’s likely that he was living alone, with a single roommate, or maybe still at his parents’ house.” It is most unlikely he was in a successful marriage, with a normal home and family life.One of the most intriguing aspects of the report is that the killer was most likely to have undergone some sort of dramatic change in his behavior, personality or appearance in the weeks preceding the crime. He developed a sudden compulsive or obsessive disorder, experienced a personal catastrophe or an emotional setback. “He may have started drinking heavily, or stopped drinking suddenly,” says Wrenn. “He could have started into hard drugs or quit a drug habit.” There was a drastic change in his life, maybe a sudden fascination with a cult or radical religious group. Something happened to this man in the fall of 1989, something that would have been noticeable to close friends or relatives.” There was a pre-event stressor,” says Lord, “something that took him from fantasy to action.”The stress in his life may have been reflected in a dramatic change in his physical appearance. He let his hair grow long or cut it very short. His health suffered. His weight fluctuated. There were changes in his appearance or lifestyle.In addition, one important logistical aspect should be noted. This man was not passing through. Contrary to the family’s trusting conviction that no one known to any of them was involved, authorities are confident that the Unknown Male has “… reason to know this area,” according to Etter; “A resident, a contract worker or delivery person familiar with Bay Square.” Lord cites the need for such a predator to select a “hunting ground where he can … move comfortably through the tall grass.”Lord explains that the Ashland County location is just as important. “This was not random,” he says. “When you are disposing of something thatc ould ruin your entire life, you’re going to be careful.” The Unknown Male knew County Road 1181. He had been on that lonely stretch of asphalt before. He knew he could quickly place Amy’s body just over a shallow ridge a few yards from the pavement and expect it would go undiscovered for weeks or months. Wrenn confirms the conclusion: “Yes, we think he was familiar with Bay Village and familiar with the area in Ashland.”The experts go another step. “We believe he had knowledge of the family,” says Etter, “personal knowledge in considerable detail.”The most disturbing part of the report concerns his behavior since the crime. Because there has not been a similar crime reported at least nothing like the complicated telephone plot to lure Amy to a deadly rendezvous the general perception is that, to the best of the investigators’ knowledge, the Unknown Male has never claimed another victim.“We don’t know that he hasn’t done this again,” says Etter. “He may have left the area and done something far away, orhe may have changed his M.O.” Etter goes on to explain the difference between an M.O. and the signature of a criminal. “An M.O. is just what works,and it can vary,” he notes. “The signature aspects of a crime do not vary they are fundamental.” Because of the single known crime and limited evidence, there is no known signature in Amy’s case. The unique M.O. the phone-call setup may have evolved to a different tactic.The best hope experts cite for new information is from past victims, and they believe there may have been some who have never spoken up. “If you look at the statistics,” says Etter, “it is likely this person had criminal sexual contact with other female children and some of those acts may not yet have been reported.”

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I was thinking the other day , if Amy wasn't seen getting into any vehicle why are so many mentioned? In the beginning I'd heard of a white van. I remember driving all over the place in search of the infamous white van. I drove up and down every country road from State Route 13 to State Route 58. I spotted a burnt out van close to the intersection of State Route 250 and 224. It was at a business, in the back of the building, enclosed in a fence area. I wasn't sure at first if the authorities were looking for a van. I was working out of Investigative Services office at the time. After discovering this burnt van I went back to my office. When I walked in the door I met with the usual friendly male greeting I heard every day," hey babe" and " Afternoon sunshine", what you been up to? A quick thought followed by " I was just driving around the Ruggles area and I found this burnt out van". They jumped to their feet! " Was it a white van?" Well that answered my question. This was a big case these seasoned guys weren't going to tell "little miss sunshine" here any of the details. So I had to find out the best way I could, it worked for me. I did tell them that there wasn't a bit of paint left on the van so I really couldn't tell what color it was before it burnt. It was just a short time later that the story of the white van was debunked. I'm still curious as to why so many vehicles and why so different? There was the white pinto that Al Matlock drove, a pickup, claims made it was Kurt's, a blue Buick,this was a claim made by Gayle St. John, she worked on the Casey Anthony case in Florida, she phoned me recently to tell me that. Then last week I spoke to a person that had turned in a report to the FBI yrs. ago of a big blue 4 door car like a Caprice not a Caprice but like one. Let's not forget the gold colored car that Mr. Runkle drove. Anyone else have a vehicle they haven't mentioned? The FBI reports that Amy was not seen getting into any vehicle. Moving on....

Sunday, February 28, 2010


When I first started looking into Amy's' case it was for a college term paper. I had never done a term paper and didn't have a clue as to what to write. I knew that what ever it was I wrote about , had to be something that the instructor had never had a paper on before. The instructor had already mentioned that he wasn't in the mood for papers he had seen a thousand times before ,or the ones that some thought was a good idea of purchasing just to get a grade. He had made himself very clear to me as to what he expected. All I could think of was, what the hell is an over aged college student like myself going to write about? The thought stuck in my mind for several weeks, clear up to the last two weeks of the quarter when the papers were due. The grade from the paper was a quarter of my final grade,I had to make it count! I remember thinking at the time that everyone I had talked with on a daily bases had mentioned or questioned, have they found who killed Amy yet? From that I made the decision to write the paper on her case. It went as follows:

October 27Th,1989 ten year old Amy Renee Mihaljevic was abducted from a Bay Village shopping center, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. Reports claim Amy had gotten a phone call from a man. She was going to meet him at the shopping center to purchase a gift for her mother's promotion at work. Amy reportedly did meet a man, however she was never seen alive again. On February 8Th, 1990 the decomposing body of Amy was found in Ashland County, Ohio. In a field close to the road, a jogger spotted her remains. The investigation has gone on for years. Still no one has been apprehended in her murder.
After thousands of leads it seemed to come down to an impassibility that anyone would ever be charged in the hideous murder of 10 year old Amy. To me it just couldn't stop there. Somewhere out there someone knows what happened late in October 1989 to a brown eyed blondish haired child who mistakenly trusted adults. Many people gave me information on Amy. Some were right some were wrong, but they all were willing to catch a murderer. I decided to track the unknown. Going on speculation and newspaper articles this case took me from Monticello, Iowa to New Jersey, back to Little Rock, Arkansas and then to Pennsylvania and back to Ohio. This is what I found.
Let's assume that this was a crime of the occult class people. The pieces would fit like this. Newspaper articles reported that Amy and this man were getting a gift for Amy's mother for her promotion at work. Key words here are-gift-mother-promotion-work. Unmistakably all these things happened. While watching TV one night, unsolved mysteries had a woman who was a police psychic working on a case in Monticello, Iowa. The case was an old homicide. She did however solve the case after many years. I took down the police chiefs name, the city and state thinking maybe she could tell me something. Still I'm pretty unbelieving in this type of thing. I called Monticello, Iowa anyway and spoke with Police chief Walters. I was expecting to hear the person on the other end of the line to say "that was just a made up story for TV viewing". Chief Walters proved me wrong. He told me he couldn't give me a phone number for Dorothy Allison. He did however tell me to contact her chief which was Robert Delitta in Knutley ,New Jersey. He was very helpful and gave me Delitta's number. I called Delitta and explained to him that I was interested in getting the number of Dorothy Allison so I could ask her about a case here. It was a little girl that I never knew, yet wanted the person or persons brought to justice. Chief Delitta told me he didn't give out her number. It was unlisted. Then all of a sudden he said, "I'll make an exception to the rule this time". I was shocked because there are so many people wanting to talk with her. Chief Delitta gave me two numbers and then said " tell her I told you to call". I done exactly that. She needed specific information, like the time and place of birth, time the 911 call came in, when the body was found, and the county and state she was born in. It had to be written down and sent to her with my return address written in red so she could distinguish it from others in the mail. Then I was put on a waiting list. Dorothy told me she was working on a few other cases and she went by the age of the child. These cases were extra besides her regular job with the Knutley Police Department. I sent what information I had, however I didn't have her time of birth. I did have everything else.
I called LT. Tomkin's in Bay Village to see if he would tell me where Amy was born. He did, and in conversation I asked him if he had ever heard of Dorothy Allison? Again I was shocked when he said " yes, Amy's grandmother had called her in on the case". "It isn't standard practice of my department, but any information would help". I asked him if he would do another composite if I got more information other than what they had? Tomkin's didn't want to do that because the people in that area were still very afraid and he didn't wish to frighten them anymore.
So I thought let's go another direction. What is all this stuff about occult and sacrifice? What am I really dealing with here? Next stop the library. If Dorothy Allison was a for real person, let's check out a few Haunted Ohio books and see what they say. These books seemed to be off the wall to me, however in the back they listed some people ( psychics) and their numbers. In Pennsylvania they had a listing for Karyl Kirkpatrick. I called Karyl that evening. She sounded very nice and she told me many things about the case. Karyl said it was an occult thing. It was done on the biggest celebration of the year, Halloween. That part fit the puzzle. It was that time frame. She said it had something to do with the girls mother. The connection was Amy's mothers' brother. Amy was close to him or a cousin that lived near Amy on her mothers side. Karyl said Amy trusted him. He was thin. fair skinned, brown eyes, 5'10" wide apart eyes, thin nose and a goat like chin, what ever that means. Karyl said the man was like family. This occult group was a very tight group in Ashland County . The building used for their meetings was a two tone gray structure and there is a legitimate business in the front, but it was just a cover. Karyl asked if I knew whether or not Amy's mother burnt candles. Well, she did. Every night till Amy was found a candle was lit in the window. All of a sudden she asked " who is Dana ? " I told her I had no idea. Karyl told me to get an artist to do another composite. "Do you know Steve Hail in Columbus, at B.C.I." I didn't. She told me to call him anyway and ask him to do another composite. I thanked her for her time. Then she told that the man that did this to Amy had a "B" sounding name like "Butch ". The other man in the composite was Puertto Rican and his name is Darrell, and an attorney was involved. When I hung up the first thing that came to mind was she is not real!
The next day I called Steve Hail at B.C.I. in Columbus and explained what I was doing and asked if he had ever heard of Karyl? "Yes", he had. I asked, "is she for real"? Steve said"very much so". " I've worked with her several times". He said "she's not 100% all the time but she's very good at what she does". Steve went on to explain he could only do the composite if LT. Tomkins told him to. Well that's not going to happen.
Again it's time to go another direction, keeping in mind that all this must somehow fit together.
I drove back to where the body was found and spoke with area residents. At first they were a little hesitant about saying much. After a few minutes they opened up. I was told that Amy's mother was in the area two summers before Amy went missing. She was with a man named Bud and his wife. According to this statement, this guy, Bud and Amy's mother were old friends from Hinkley, Ohio. They were at this house because Bud knew the couple that was buying it from someone else, sort of like they were checking it out for them. The woman that sold the house befriended the woman that moved in. The new owners wife became very sick and on her death bed told over and over the day she died " their going to find that Buds boys killed little Amy. She said she knew for a fact. Three hours later she died. The person she told this to was the former owner of the house. There's another possible piece of the puzzle if your into "B" sounding names.
Back at the library I find one most interesting book. This one tells of Halloween, sacrifice, and blood. It tells the body has to be found. It was. And that it must be burnt. After I picked up a copy of the death certificate I again was shocked. Amy's remains were cremated. About 6 to 9 months after Amy was found, her mother got a new job with the State Attorney Generals Office. Now that's some promotion! The deathbed statement was never told to any police official the woman told me, "I decided they never asked and they probably won't believe me anyway".
I keep remembering back and in comparison to the reaction of Susan Smith to Amy's mother they somehow seemed the same at times. All the key words, clear back to the first newspaper articles, are in this child's history.

I turned in my paper and received a grade of good +25 and passed the class. That instructor was a retired cop, I'll always remember him telling the class that day of when he met his partner when he first went on the force, does the name Serpico sound familiar?
Do I believe everything that these psychics said, No.
Do I think Margaret was into occult, No
Do I believe Amy was a sacrifice, No
Do I believe the killer is from the Ruggles area, Most definitely!
Do I believe the deathbed statement, could be.

Anyone wanting to talk about their psychic experiences in regards to Amy's case post here. Refer back to James site for his experience's. Lets compare notes.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Calling All Scenario's

This is as good a time as any to share all the different scenario's about this case that have captured our attention. Please feel free to share and comment on any or all of them. Moving on...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010


What doesn't Ruth want to tell?
If FBI told Ruth not to talk, what would be the reason for that?
If Ruth was Amy's friend 20 years ago, why won't she help her now?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting Down To Brass Tacks !

I thought this would be a good time to start to unravel this case so all the pieces fit. Many times there has been parts of different stories that sounded good enough to have been true then debunked.That didn't stop all the caring people from the Bay Village and Ashland areas along with Amy's friends and family from continuing on.I am absolutely certain this case can and will be solved sooner than you think ,if more people would comment on what they know.This question goes out to Ruth.What did you mean when you said "putting the case in jeopardy"? If someone out there knows Ruth could you ask her for us? Those of us who have other question or comments by all means post away!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Moving On.......

Due to Crime Rant closing the thread on there site I thought it best to keep going on a fresh page.

As you may have seen there were some posts removed, no one knows why or who done away with them. We can only speculate just as we do with Amy's case.