Sunday, November 21, 2010


Just a refresher in what type of person we are looking for.

1. A slightly built man
2. White male
3. Mid-to late 30s
4. Older than average for a first time aggressor.
5. Not remarkable in appearance.
6. Average height,weight,and build
7. Looks presentable, not accomplished or professional.
8. He is socially marginalized,not in the main stream,not a run of the mill citizen,
9. He won't fit in with his peers very well,especially woman.
10. People who know him will describe him as odd or difficult.
11. It's likely he was living alone or with a single roommate, maybe still at his parents house.
12. Unlikely in a successful marriage.
13. The killer was most likely to have undergone some sort of dramatic change in his behavior, personality,or appearance in the weeks preceding the crime.
14. He developed a sudden compulsive or obsessive disorder, experienced a personal catastrophe or an emotional setback.
15. He may have started drinking heavily ,or stopped drinking suddenly.
16. He could have started in to hard drugs or quit a drug habit.
17. There was a drastic change in his life, maybe a sudden fascination with a cult or radical religious group.
18. Something happened in the fall of 1989, something that would have been noticeable to close friends or relatives.
19. There was a pre-event stressor.
20. Something that took him from fantasy to action.
21. The stress in his life may have been reflected in a dramatic change in his physical appearance. He let his hair grow long or cut it very short.His health suffered. His weight fluctuated. There were changes in his appearance or lifestyle.
22. This man was not passing through.
23. The unknown male has reason to know this area. A resident, a contract worker or delivery person familiar with Bay Square.
24. The Ashland county location is just as important.This was not random.
25. The unknown male knew County Road 1181, he had been down that lonely stretch of road before.
26. He was familiar with Bay Village and familiar with the area in Ashland.
27. He had knowledge of the family. personal knowledge in considerable detail.
28. It is likely this person had criminal sexual contact with other female children.
Moving On..........


Liz Russ said...

what's the chances we could get a composite that is somewhere in the middle of all this mess? As far as I can see, it looks to be at least three different men? How many did they say they were looking for? Oh yuh,ONE! Pllllease.Do You know these people?

Anonymous said...

Look at the pics on Renners site of Ralph Ross Jr., one is a mug shot which matches the first photo here, the insert photo looks like a high school pic mathches the other photo.

Pennsylvanian said...

Just to clear something up, when we are looking for the suspect in their mid to late 30's, are you meaning at the time of Amy's death or now???

Liz Russ said...


We are talking about 21 yrs. ago.

Thanks for your question!

Liz Russ said...

Just saying,
Because it's been 21 years the chances that the persons appearance has changed is great. He may now be bald or shorter or even gained or lost weight.His hair may be gray or salt and pepper.He has aged, please keep that in mind.

Back 21 years ago he would have probably fit the profilers description and at least one of the composites.

Anonymous said...

The more I look at what is being said as the whole picture the more it really does look like cult of some kind.

Liz Russ said...


I remember many years ago that one of the newspaper headlines said something like "Cult Spurns Fear", I'm not sure just how it was worded.

Thanks for your opinion.